I have been playing with the states all day trying to figure out why, when I press the power button to bring up the lock screen, my app loses focus and calls it's onStop() (as it should) but then it calls the onStart() again before hte screen goes off. This is causing me a problem because some sounds in my app (and presumably other stuff) start playing again while the lockscreen is active.
how can I make sure it is properly backgrounded and stopped when the lockscreen is active?
I faced this exact problem not long ago. In AndroidManifest.xml, make sure you have this:
安卓configChanges =keyboardHidden |定位
这将prevent再次启动,在运行配置更改你的活动。 See处理配置改变自己。这样,你的应用程序将监听事件会导致重新启动 - 样的方向和键盘的可见性的变化 - 和你的活动范围内处理它们
This will prevent your activity from being restarted on runtime 'configuration changes'. See handling the configuration change yourself. That way your app will listen for events that would cause a restart - like orientation and keyboard visibility changes -- and handle them within your Activity.
还有上所以这里一个非常类似的问题:在旋转的Android 活动启动
There is also a very similar question on SO here:Activity restart on rotation Android