Probably a stupid question... but here goes anyway...
我已经建立了石英,并可以安排工作,我可以确认,工作( 。实现IJob接口)正在
I have set up quartz, and can schedule jobs, and I can confirm that jobs (implementing the IJob interface) are working.
Looking at the documentation on the site, (Lesson 3 of the tutorial):
这是你被允许从执行方法抛出异常的唯一类型是 JobExecutionException
我想,当发生异常,我还没有明确的处理,那么就应该抛出一个JobExecutionException,这样我就可以在父应用程序记录它。我有我的包裹在一个try catch代码,并抛出JobExecutionException,但是现在在哪里处理呢?
I would like that when an exception occurs that I haven't explicitly handled, it should throw a JobExecutionException, so that I can log it in the 'parent' application. I have wrapped my code in a try catch, and have thrown the JobExecutionException, but now where to handle it?
I don't call the execute method anywhere, that is handled by Quartz (on a separate thread). So, how do I handle that error when it occurs. I don't really want to swallow the error in the Job
Typically you would set up the execute method of your job as follows:
// the work you want to do goes here
catch (ExceptionTypeYouWantToHandle1 ex1)
// handle exception
catch (ExceptionTypeYouWantToHandle2 ex2)
// handle exception
// and so on
catch (Exception ex)
// something really unexpected happened, so give up
throw new JobExecutionException("Something awful happened", ex, false); // or set to true if you want to refire
At this point the scheduler itself will log the exception to wherever it is logging (based on the configuration).