

作为我正在进行的一项研究的一部分,我想要一个简单的 iOS 应用程序使用的内存图表(图表和 .csv 格式(或类似格式)的实际值).我一直在玩弄所有不同的仪器工具,但似乎没有一个能胜任这项工作.没有任何工具(分配、应用程序监视器……)能够给我一个简单的应用程序实际驻留内存总量图表.

As part of a research I'm working on, I would like to have a simple graph of the memory used by an iOS application (graph and the actual values in .csv format(or something alike)). I've been fooling around with all the different instruments tools but none of them seems to do the job. None of the tools (allocations, application monitor,...) is able to give me a simple graph of the total real resident memory of the application.

这在 Xcode 中是可能的吗?有没有其他选择?

Is this even possible in Xcode? Are there any alternatives?



假设您拥有应用程序的源代码,Xcode 将向您显示一个简单图形".当您的应用程序在设备上或模拟器中运行时,选择 Debug Navigator View >导航器显示调试导航器,然后点击小的内存"图.

Assuming you have the source code from your app, Xcode will show you a 'simple graph'. When your app is running on a device or in the simulator choose the Debug Navigator View > Navigators > Show Debug Navigator then click on the small 'Memory' graph.

但考虑到应用程序的内存使用情况时,这并不是全部.我认为您很难找到内存使用情况的简单图表",因为测量应用程序的内存使用情况并不简单.有可能在应用之间共享的堆、VM 系统、系统框架,以及各种复杂性.

But when considering the memory usage of an app this is not the whole story. I think you are having trouble finding a 'simple graph' for memory usage because measuring memory usage of an App is not simple. There is the heap, the VM system, system frameworks which maybe shared between apps, all kinds of complexities.

Apple 在 Session 410 中讨论了有关分析应用程序内存使用情况的问题2013 年全球开发者大会


05-28 22:30