

有人知道如何使用Logic App连接器和触发器连接到Azure Blob存储吗?我不想授予我的存储帐户的公共访问权限.如果我允许公共访问,它可以正常工作,但是当我仅限制对选定IP的访问时,它将停止工作,并且我无法连接到存储帐户.我已经附上了屏幕截图.





4..等待大约20分钟,因为即使创建成功,ISE也需要一些时间来准备就绪.然后在您的逻辑应用中,添加带有"ISE"图标的"Azure Blob存储"连接器.

5..添加创建blob"操作,它将要求您创建连接,像以前一样创建连接,并且它将在的相同资源组中生成API连接.您的逻辑应用程序.请等待几分钟,直到您可以单击并打开API连接为止,因为这种API连接(使用ISE)需要更多的时间来准备.否则,您会在逻辑应用程序创建Blob"操作中看到诸如找不到api azureblob ...."之类的文本.


Does anybody know how to connect to Azure blob storage using Logic App connectors and triggers? I don't want to grant public access on my storage account. It works fine if I allow public access but when I restrict the access to only selected IP's, it stops working and I am unable to connect to the storage account. I have attached the screenshot.

error message


For this problem, I suggest you to use integrated service environment as Frank mentioned in his answer. But here I provide you with some more detail steps for your reference.

1. Create a virtual network and ensure it has at least 4 subnet, you can just do it by clicking the "Add new virtual network" button in your storage account "Firewalls and virtual networks" tab.If you create the virtual network in your storage account "Firewalls and virtual networks", you need to go to the new virtual network and add three subnet to ensure it has at least 4 subnet (shown as below screenshot), and go back to your storage account "Firewall" tab, add the virtual network again (because it may missing after you add three subnets).

2. Then, we need to create an integration service environment, choose the virtual network which you created just now at the bottom of the creating page.

The creation will take a long time, it took me more than four hours to create the integration service environment.

3. After creating the ISE, we need to create the logic app and choose the ISE which we created when creating the logic app.

4. Wait about 20 minutes because the ISE will take some time to be ready even if it was created successfully. And then in your logic app, add the "Azure blob storage" connector with "ISE" icon.

5. Add the "create blob" action and it will ask you to create the connection, do creating the connection as before you did and it will generate a API connection in the same resource group of your logic app.Wait a few minutes until you can click and open the API connection because this kind of API connection(with ISE) requires more time to be ready. Otherwise you will see some text like "can not find the api azureblob...." in your logic app "create blob" action.

6. Now we can see the items in storage in "create blob" action.


05-28 21:13