本文介绍了使用 powershell 循环遍历 IIS 中配置的所有绑定的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在寻找一种方法来检查已在我的 IIS 中配置的所有绑定设置.

I'm looking for a way to go through all binding settings already configured in my IIS.

我正在使用它来处理 Powershell 中的 IIS:

Im using this to work with the IIS in Powershell:

Import-Module WebAdministration


So far I was able to get the main required information i want:

$Websites = Get-ChildItem IIS:Sites

我的数组 $Websites 已正确填充并使用以下命令...

My array $Websites is filled correctly and with the following command...



Name         ID   State    Physical Path       Bindings
----         --   -----    -------------       --------------
WebPage3      5            D:WebPage3        http  *:80:WebPage3
                                               https *:443:WebPage3


Now here's the part I having a hard time with:


I want to check if the binding is correct. In order to do that I only need the binding. I tried:

foreach ($site in $Websites)
    $site = $Websites[0]
    $site | select-string "http"

调试该代码显示 $Site 不包含我预期的内容:Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElement".我目前不知道如何显式获取绑定信息以获取类似这样的信息(在 foreach 循环内):

Debugging that code shows me that $Site doesn't contain what I expected: "Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElement". I currently have no clue how to explicitly get to the binding information in order to to something like this (inside the foreach loop):

 if ($site.name -eq "WebPage3" -and $site.Port -eq "80") {
    #website is ok
 else {
    #remove all current binding
    #add correct binding



Import-Module WebAdministration
$Websites = Get-ChildItem IIS:Sites
foreach ($Site in $Websites) {

    $Binding = $Site.bindings
    [string]$BindingInfo = $Binding.Collection
    [string]$IP = $BindingInfo.SubString($BindingInfo.IndexOf(" "),$BindingInfo.IndexOf(":")-$BindingInfo.IndexOf(" "))
    [string]$Port = $BindingInfo.SubString($BindingInfo.IndexOf(":")+1,$BindingInfo.LastIndexOf(":")-$BindingInfo.IndexOf(":")-1)

    Write-Host "Binding info for" $Site.name " - IP:"$IP", Port:"$Port

    if ($Site.enabledProtocols -eq "http") {
    elseif($site.enabledProtocols -eq "https") {


我不知道你到底想做什么,但我会试试.我看到您引用了 $Websites[2],即 webPage3.你可以这样做:

I don't know exactly what you are trying to do, but I will try. I see that you reference $Websites[2] which is webPage3.You can do it like this:

$site = $websites | Where-object { $_.Name -eq 'WebPage3' }

那么当你查看$site.Bindings 时,你会意识到你需要Collection 成员:

Then when you look at $site.Bindings, you will realize that you need the Collection member:



On my machine this returns this:

protocol                       bindingInformation
--------                       ------------------
http                           *:80:
net.tcp                        808:*
net.pipe                       *
net.msmq                       localhost
msmq.formatname                localhost
https                          *:443:


And the test might then look like this:

$is80 = [bool]($site.bindings.Collection | ? { $_.bindingInformation -eq '*:80:' })
if ($is80) {
    #website is ok
} else {
    #remove all current binding
    #add correct binding

我将 Collection 的内容发送到管道并仅过滤属性 bindingInformation 等于所需值的对象(更改它).然后我将其转换为 [bool].如果有需要的项目,这将返回 $true,否则返回 $false.

I sent content of Collection to pipeline and filtere only objects where property bindingInformation is equal to desired value (change it). Then I cast it to [bool]. This will return $true if there is desired item, $false otherwise.

这篇关于使用 powershell 循环遍历 IIS 中配置的所有绑定的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-28 19:25