


I have searched up so many sites on Google to try and get this to work but NO ONE seems to have this anywhere , and if they do it's just NOT working with my program... What I am trying to achieve is to have a player recoil that when the player gets hit, he has a "x" amount of time between getting hit the first time and the second time.

所以我有一个Boolean "hit" = false,当他被击中时,它会变成true.这意味着他不能再次被击中,直到再次将其更改为 false.

So I have a Boolean "hit" = false and when he gets hit, it changes to true. Which means he can't get hit again until it's changed to false again.

所以我试图在我的程序中设置一个函数来设置x"秒的计时器"IF hit = true,一旦该计时器达到x"秒秒,命中将切换回 false.

So I'm trying to set up a function in my program to set a "timer" for "x" amount of seconds IF hit = true and once that timer hits "x" amount of seconds, hit will get switched back to false.




一个简单的选择是使用 millis().

A simple option is to manually keep track of time using millis().


  1. 一个存储经过的时间
  2. 一个存储您需要的等待/延迟时间

在 draw() 方法中,您将检查当前时间(以毫秒为单位)与先前存储的时间之间的差异是否大于(或等于)延迟.

In the draw() method you would check if the difference between the current time (in millis.) and the previously stored time is greater(or equal) to the delay.


If so, this would the you're cue to do whatever for the delay given and update the stored time:

int time;
int wait = 1000;

void setup(){
  time = millis();//store the current time
void draw(){
  //check the difference between now and the previously stored time is greater than the wait interval
  if(millis() - time >= wait){
    println("tick");//if it is, do something
    time = millis();//also update the stored time


Here's a slight variation the updates a 'needle' on screen:

int time;
int wait = 1000;

boolean tick;

void setup(){
  time = millis();//store the current time
void draw(){
  //check the difference between now and the previously stored time is greater than the wait interval
  if(millis() - time >= wait){
    tick = !tick;//if it is, do something
    time = millis();//also update the stored time
  //draw a visual cue
  line(50,10,tick ? 10 : 90,90);

根据您的设置/需要,您可以选择将这样的内容包装到一个可以重用的类中.这是一种基本方法,应该也适用于 Android 和 JavaScript 版本(尽管在 JavaScript 中您有 setInterval()).

Depending on your setup/needs, you may choose to wrap something like this into a class that can be reused. This is a basic approach and should work with the Android and JavaScript versions as well (although in javascript you've got setInterval()).

如果您对使用 Java 的实用程序感兴趣,正如 FrankieTheKneeMan 建议的那样,有一个 TimerTask 类可用,我相信那里有很多资源/示例.

If you're interested in using Java's utilities, as FrankieTheKneeMan suggested, there is a TimerTask class available and I'm sure there are plenty of resources/examples out there.


You can run a demo bellow:

var time;
var wait = 1000;

var tick = false;

function setup(){
  time = millis();//store the current time
function draw(){
  //check the difference between now and the previously stored time is greater than the wait interval
  if(millis() - time >= wait){
    tick = !tick;//if it is, do something
    time = millis();//also update the stored time
  //draw a visual cue
  line(50,10,tick ? 10 : 90,90);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.4.4/p5.min.js"></script>


05-28 18:46