Can you please recommend which of the following is the best or their pros and cons?
function User() {
this.name = "my name";
this.save = function() {
function User() {
this.name = "my name";
User.prototype.save = function() {
Coming from a background in Java and PHP, I had initially struggled with the whole 'class' concept in JavaScript. Here are a few things to think about.
First, since you're likely going to be defining your classes as..
Customer = function () {}
Customer.prototype = new Person();
如果在构造过程中定义属性和方法,最终将陷入各种各样的代码梦running.原因是像Customer.prototype = new Person();
You will end up running into all sorts of nightmares of code if you are defining properties and methods during construction. The reason being is that a piece of code like Customer.prototype = new Person();
requires that the Person be called in the Customer constructor for true inheritance.. otherwise you'll end up having to know what the original one sets at all times. Take the following example:
Person = function (name) {
this.name = name;
this.getName = function () {return this.name}
Customer = function (name) {
this.name = name;
Customer.prototype = new Person();
Now we're going to update Person to also set whether they are 'new':
Person = function (name, isNew) {
this.name = name;
this.isNew = isNew;
this.getName = function () {return (this.isNew ? "New " : "") + this.name; }
Now on any 'class' that is inheriting from the Person, you must update the constructor to follow form. You can get around that by doing something like:
Customer = function () {
Person.apply(this, arguments);
That will call 'Person' in the scope of the new 'Customer', allowing you to not have to know about the Person construction.
看看这些基准: http://jsperf.com/inherited-vs-assigned .
Take a look at these benchmarks: http://jsperf.com/inherited-vs-assigned.
Basically, what I am attempting to prove here is that if you're creating these objects en masse, your best route is to create them on the prototype. Creating them like:
Person = function (name) {
this.name = name;
this.getName = function () {return this.name}
非常慢,因为对于每个对象创建,它都会创建一个 new函数-它不只是查找已经存在的原型链.相反,如果只有很少的几个对象经常调用这些方法,则在本地定义它们有助于通过查找原型链来降低速度.
is very slow, because for every object creation, it creates a new function - it doesn't simply look up the prototype chain for the already existing one. Conversely, if you've got only a few objects that the methods are called extremely frequently on, defining them locally helps with the speed lost by looking up the prototype chain.
This always gets me. Let's say you've got something like the following:
Person = function () {
this.jobs = {};
this.setJob = function (jobTitle, active) {this.jobs[jobTitle] = active; }
Employee = function () {}
Employee.prototype = new Person();
var bob = new Employee();
bob.setJob('janitor', true);
var jane = new Employee();
猜猜是什么?简是个看门人!可不是闹着玩的!这就是为什么.由于您没有将this.jobs定义为在 Employee 实例化时的新对象,因此它只是查找原型链,直到找到'jobs'并按原样使用它.好玩吧?
Guess what? Jane's a janitor! No joke! Here's why. Since you didn't define this.jobs as being a new object on instantiation of the Employee, it's now just looking up the prototype chain until it finds 'jobs' and is using it as is. Fun, right?
So, this is useful if you want to keep track of instances, but for the most part you're going to find it incredibly frustrating. You can get around that by doing the following:
Employee = function () { Person.apply(this); }
This forces 'Person' to create a new 'this.jobs'.
Since there's nothing that's really "private" in JavaScript, the only way you can get private variables is to create them in the constructor, and then make anything that relies on them initialize in the constructor.
Person = function () {
var jobs = {};
this.setJob = function (jobTitle, active) {jobs[jobTitle] = active; }
this.getJob = function (jobTitle) { return jobs[jobTitle]; }
However, this also means that you must call that constructor on every instantiation of an inherited class.
This is a super basic class setup. It's easy. It works. And it'll do what you need it to do 90% of the time without having to deal with all the insanity JavaScript has to offer :)