我刚刚开始探索 STM32 MCU.我想使 BluePill(具有 STM32F103C8T6 MCU)板上的 LED 闪烁.我怀疑我被什么东西误导了.根据F1系列的参考手册,有3个主要步骤:
I have just started exploring STM32 MCUs. I want to blink the LED on the BluePill(having STM32F103C8T6 MCU) board. I suspect I have been mislead by something. As per the Reference Manual of F1 series, There are 3 main steps:
- 为 PORT 启用时钟(此处为 PORTC)
- 配置 CNF/MODE 寄存器
- 根据需要配置 ODR 寄存器,即引脚上的高/低.
我已经按照手册在 KEIL MDK 中编写了代码,但在加载后,代码没有运行,我按下重置按钮然后 LED 亮起,即使我已将设置更改为 RESET &在 KEIL 中运行.
I have written the code in KEIL MDK as per the manual but after it is loaded, The code do not run, I press the reset button and then LED turns ON, even though I have changed Settings to RESET & RUN in KEIL.
Here is the code and The parts of reference manual.
int main(){
RCC->APB2ENR |= 1<<4; //PORTC is on APB2 bus
GPIOC->CRH |= (1<<20);
GPIOC->ODR |= 0x00002000;
for(int i = 0; i < 500000;i++); //dummy delay
GPIOC->ODR &= ~0x00002000;
for(int i = 0; i < 500000;i++); // dummy delay
当我使用调试模式时,我注意到在执行 RCC->APB2ENR |= (1<<4)
后没有为 PORTC 启用时钟.
When I am using the Debug mode, I noticed one thing that the clock is not enabled for PORTC after execution of RCC->APB2ENR |= (1<<4)
LED 不闪烁.我在整个过程中找不到错误.
The LED does not blink. I am unable to find the error in this whole process.
When you write a dummy delay loop, a smart compiler will usually figure out that there is nothing worthwhile happening in this piece of code and optimize the whole thing away.
If you want to know this has happened, the best way is to take a look at the disassembly of the generated binary.
幸运的是,C 提供了 volatile
Thankfully, C provides the volatile
keyword to get around exactly this sort of problem. It tells the compiler explicitly to not optimize memory accesses to variables declared with this qualifier.
此处您可以看到一些示例代码,这些示例代码显示了生成的汇编代码在使用和不使用 volatile
关键字使用优秀的 Godbolt 工具.如果没有 volatile,for 循环将被优化为空,并且不会发生 i
Here you can see some sample code that shows the difference between generated assembly code with and without volatile
keyword using the excellent godbolt tool. Without volatile, the for loop gets optimized to nothing and no incrementing or checking of i
ever happens.
for(volatile int i = 0; i < 500000; i++); //dummy delay
You may run into this kind of issue on embedded systems also in other instances such as when you have a variable being accessed from multiple contexts/threads.