


I'm looking for an algorithm to generate random numbers from a given seed but with the particular requirement that it will always generate the same sequence of number regardless of the underlying computer architecture or language implementation.

我已经知道 Mersenne Twister,但是,当使用不同的实现(即 C MT 与 Javascript MT)时,它生成的数字会有所不同.

I already know of Mersenne Twister, however, the numbers it generates differ when using different implementations (i.e. C MT vs Javascript MT).

是否存在具有此属性的算法?此外,我不需要最先进的 RNG,我什至不需要它的加密安全,我只想在一个地方驱动一个随机"模拟并让它遵循相同的行为不同的实现.

Do algorithms with this property exist? Also, I don't need a state-of-the-art RNG, I don't even need it to be cryptographically secure, I just want to drive a "random" simulation on one place and have it follow the same behavior on a different implementation.


如果您不需要加密安全的 RNG,那么 MT 或 LCG 就可以了.尽管如此,一些流密码很容易用多种语言实现,或者已经可用,因此这些是可行的路径.所有这些都是确定性的,相同的种子会产生相同的随机数,而且速度非常快.

If you don't need a cryptographicly secure RNG then MT or LCG would do. Still, some stream ciphers are pretty easy to implement in many languages, or already available, so these are viable paths. All of these are deterministic, same seed results in the same random numbers, and quite fast.


05-28 17:03