


 SecureRandom randomizer = new SecureRandom(String.valueOf(new Date().getTime()).getBytes());


Is this the right way to instance the seed of secure random?


不,你应该避免使用 SecureRandom(byte[]) 构造函数.它既不安全也不便携.

No, you should avoid the SecureRandom(byte[]) constructor. It is both unsafe and non-portable.

它是不可移植的,因为它在 Windows 和其他操作系统上的行为不同.

It is non-portable because it behaves differently on Windows vs. other operating systems.

在大多数操作系统上,默认算法是NativePRNG",它从操作系统获取随机数据(通常是 "/dev/random")并忽略您提供的种子.

On most OSes, the default algorithm is "NativePRNG", which obtains random data from the OS (usually "/dev/random") and ignores the seed you provide.

在 Windows 上,默认算法是SHA1PRNG",它将您的种子与计数器结合起来并计算结果的哈希值.

On Windows, the default algorithm is "SHA1PRNG", which combines your seed with a counter and computes a hash of the result.

在您的示例中这是个坏消息,因为输入(当前 UTC 时间,以毫秒为单位)的可能值范围相对较小.例如,如果攻击者知道 RNG 是在过去 48 小时内播种的,他们可以将种子缩小到小于 2 个可能的值,即您只有 27 位的熵.

This is bad news in your example, because the input (the current UTC time in milliseconds) has a relatively small range of possible values. For example if an attacker knows that the RNG was seeded in the last 48 hours, they can narrow the seed down to less than 2 possible values, i.e. you have only 27 bits of entropy.

另一方面,如果您在 Windows 上使用了默认的 SecureRandom() 构造函数,它将调用本机 CryptoGenRandom 函数来获取 128 位种子.因此,通过指定您自己的种子,您已经削弱了安全性.

If on the other hand you had used the default SecureRandom() constructor on Windows, it would have called the native CryptoGenRandom function to get a 128-bit seed. So by specifying your own seed you have weakened the security.


If you really want to override the default seed (e.g. for unit testing) you should also specify the algorithm. E.g.

SecureRandom sr = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");

另请参阅如何使用 Java SecureRandom 解决性能问题?


05-28 17:02