

我有依靠Random类来生成伪随机字符串的ASP.NET应用程序。它使用以下code(这是一块较大的样本$ C $下提供的谷歌的一部分的应用程序SSO):

I have an ASP.NET application that relies on the Random class to generate a pseudo-random string. It uses the following code (this is part of a larger piece of sample code provided by Google for apps SSO):

    public static class SamlUtility
    private static Random random = new Random();

    private static char[] charMapping =  { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p' };

    public static string CreateId()
        byte[] bytes = new byte[20]; // 160 bits


        char[] chars = new char[40];

        for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
            int left = (bytes[i] >> 4) & 0x0f;
            int right = bytes[i] & 0x0f;
            chars[i * 2] = charMapping[left];
            chars[i * 2 + 1] = charMapping[right];

        return new string(chars);


This normally works very well, but from time to time it starts generating a string of 'a'. From what I can tell from debugging, Random simply stops returning random numbers and instead fills bytes with the same value over and over. I've patched this by using a GUID instead, but I'm curious what happened in the original code. I'm assuming some form of entropy exhaustion, but I can't find any reference in the docs. Also, each time this has happened, performing iisreset restored the correct behavior.


Any suggestions regarding what was going wrong would be much appreciated.



The Random class is not thread-safe.
If you generate random numbers on the same instance on multiple threads at once, its internal state will be corrupted and it will start returning zeroes.

您需要做的随机例如 [ThreadStatic] 来确保每个实例不能由多个线程共享。照片请注意,初始化为 [ThreadStatic] 字段将只运行一次,所以你需要检查它是否是您每次使用字段并在必要时对其进行初始化。

You need to make the Random instance [ThreadStatic] to ensure that each instance is not shared by multiple threads.
Note that initializers for [ThreadStatic] fields will only run once, so you need to check whether it's null every time you use the field and initialize it if necessary.
It would also be a good idea to include both the thread ID and the current time in the seed to prevent seed collisions.

请注意,顺便说一句,该随机类是不安全的;考虑使用 RNGCryptoServiceProvider

Note, by the way, that the Random class is not secure; consider using the RNGCryptoServiceProvider class


05-28 16:53