


I have been trying to override and use the paint component method instead of the paint method because I've seen it been suggested in multiple questions around here.


I've looked through many questions but I still can't seem to get this to work. I'm posting my original piece of code used to render a screen. I am thinking that extending JFrame is not the right way to go and instead I need to extend JPanel, and use paint component from there. I have another object where I actually extend the JPanel, and add in the JFrame (for rendering).


Here is the object I use to render, this, by the way works perfectly overriding the paint method.

package render;

import java.util.Arrays;

import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.*; //Graphics, Graphics2D, Image

import sprites.Picture;

public class Window extends JFrame{
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public static Picture[] image_list =  new Picture[0]; // All the images I want to render
    private static String win_title = "Window"; // The name of the window
    private static CustomComponents cc = new CustomComponents();

    public Window(){
        setTitle(win_title); // set my title
        setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // close when you hit x button
        setUndecorated(true); // window has nothing on it


    // paints all the images in image list according to their priority

    public void display(){

        setLocationRelativeTo(null); // puts the screen in the middle
        setResizable(false); // can't resize the window
        setVisible(true); // to see the window


    public double[] getWinSize(){
        double[] size = {this.getSize().getWidth(),this.getSize().getWidth()};

        return size;

    public static void endAll(){
        for (Picture i:image_list){
            i = null;
        image_list = new Picture[0];

    // close the window (seen in the game object)
    public static void close(){

    // called when adding a new sprite to the image_list array
    public static void addPicture(Picture element){
        Picture[] result = Arrays.copyOf(image_list, image_list.length +1); // does the same thing as the addObject method in objects
        result[image_list.length] = element;
        image_list = result;


    // updates the screen... Just repaints everything
    public void update() {



class CustomComponents extends JComponent {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private static Picture[] image_list;

    public static void updateImageList(Picture[] image_list){
        CustomComponents.image_list = image_list;

    public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
        return new Dimension(640,360);

    public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
        return new Dimension(640,360);

    public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
        return new Dimension(640,360);

    public void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) {
        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) graphics;
        for (Picture i:image_list){
            if (i.getVisibility()){
            g2d.drawImage(i.getPic(), i.getXY()[0], i.getXY()[1], this);
        Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().sync(); // this is for linux machines
        graphics.dispose(); // just good programming practice to collect the garbage


I would post the object that actually adds in the window but it's way too convoluted now, and only a few thing happens. In the constructor I add the JFrame window above, and then I use a timer to call the update method on the JFrame object.


If you guys really need to the code I can post it but hopefully this will be enough.


  • 不绘画

    • don't paint

      1. 直接使用paintComponent()JFrame
      2. 直接绘画到JFrame并不是一个好主意,JFrame不是完成此任务的合适容器
      3. 必须使用paint()代替paintComponent()来使用JFrame
      1. by using paintComponent() directly to the JFrame,
      2. not good idea to paint directly to JFrame, JFrame isn't proper container for this job
      3. have to use paint() instead of paintComponent() for JFrame,

    • 在您认为 应该覆盖父方法的任何方法(此处为paintComponent(...)方法)之前添加@Override.这样,如果您实际上没有超越您原本的想法,编译器就会警告您.

    • Add @Override before any methods that you think should override a parent method, here the paintComponent(...) method. This way, the compiler will warn you if you are in fact not overriding what you thought you were.

      JComponent / JPanel放入JFrame

      覆盖JComponent / JPanel(您的硬编码// window size handle)的getPreferredSize否则,JComponent / JPanel返回零尺寸,简单的什么都看不到.

      override getPreferredSize for JComponent / JPanel (your hardcoded // window size handle) , otherwise JComponent / JPanel returns zero dimension, simple nothing will be visible on the creen


05-28 16:02