

我有3个扩展了JFrame的对象,我们称它们为FrameA FrameB FrameC.

I have 3 objects that extend JFrame let's call them FrameA FrameB FrameC.


FrameA is my main application window. From FrameA's constructor if the application is not registered I create FrameB and FrameC. They are just popup's that indicate trial period.

10个应用程序中有2个冻结,并且从不显示B anc C帧,并且A帧无响应.

2 times out of 10 application freezes and never shows the B anc C frame and frame A becomes unresponsive.


I was wondering if there is a side effect of creating frames in this fashion?



That's because you are not letting FrameA finish it's construction process, you're interrupting it and then in the same thread displaying those two other frames.


I would suggest to change your strategy and use a factory method and probably in conjunction with SwingUtilities.invokeLater method.


 public static void main( String [] args ) {
      JFrame a = new FrameA(); // Has both display logic and trial "pop up" logic


 public static void main( String [] args ) {
      JKFrame a = FrameA.createFrame(); // the same but splited like the following code

 class FrameA extends JFrame {
      // new method
      public static JFrame createFrame() {
            return new FrameA();



Nothing changed you just added the factory method, later you can:

         public static JFrame createFrame() {
            if( thatSpecialLogicSaysItIsTrialAndShouldPopUp() ) {
                  JFrame b = new FrameB();
                  b.setVisible( true );
                  JFrame c = new FrameC();
                  c.setVisible( true );
                  return new FrameA();

           } else {
            return new FrameA();


您将在第二个代码中执行的操作是将逻辑与类构造函数分开,并将其放入工厂方法中.这样,如果 thatSpecialLogicSaysItIsTrialAndShouldPopUp 返回true,则显示B和C

What you will be doing in the second code is separate the logic from the class constructor and put it in the factory method. That way if thatSpecialLogicSaysItIsTrialAndShouldPopUp returns true, you display B and C


You can also as described use a JDialog there, but pretty much the problems will be gone when you separate the responsabilities.


05-28 15:52