我正在Visual Studio中的WPF中的画布上绘制形状。在矩形的右内侧添加两个小圆圈的最佳方法是什么?我希望它们在用户看来像是矩形上的小孔。我是否应该获得矩形右侧的坐标并通过计算圆心的相应要求坐标(我希望它们对称地位于矩形中间的上方和下方)来绘制圆? Canvas GetRight是获取矩形右侧坐标的适当方法吗?我如何在代码上应用它:
I am drawing shapes on a canvas in wpf in visual studio. What is the (best) way to "add" two small circles on the inner right side of a Rectangle? I want them to seem to the user as "small holes" on the Rectangle. Should I get the coordinates of the right side of the Rectangle and by computing the respective demanded coordinates of the circles’ centers (I want them to be above and below of the middle of the rectangle symmetrically) to draw the circles? Is Canvas GetRight the appropriate method to get the coordinates of the right side of the Rectangle? How I apply it on the code:
shapeToRender = new Rectangle() { Fill = Brushes.Red, Height = 50, Width = 50, RadiusX = 10, RadiusY = 10 };
Canvas.SetLeft(shapeToRender, e.GetPosition(canvasDrawingArea).X - rectWidth / 2);
Canvas.SetTop(shapeToRender, e.GetPosition(canvasDrawingArea).Y - rectHeight / 2);
The shapes are created by a MouseEnter event.
Is this the type of thing you are going for?
<Grid x:Class="yourNs.RectangleWithCircles"
Height="50" Width="50">
<Rectangle Fill="Red"/>
<UniformGrid Rows="2">
<Ellipse Grid.Row="0" Fill="White" Height="10" Width="10" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<Ellipse Grid.Row="1" Fill="White" Height="10" Width="10" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
其中 yourNs
是您提供的命名空间,您只需在画布上添加< yourNs:RectangleWithCircles />
Where yourNs
is the namespace you provide, you would just add <yourNs:RectangleWithCircles />
to the canvas.
因为您创建了 RectangleWithCircles
Because you have created the RectangleWithCircles
class, you can easily customize it to fit your needs by adding a public method to show or hide the circles, for example.