本文介绍了Java 小程序多次显示自身的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am making a Java applet for school whose function is to randomly select six numbers for coordinates of three points and connect them to make a triangle. It is only supposed to draw one triangle and find the "length of the sides". However when I put it on my website it will redraw itself multiple times.

我制作了另一个小程序,更简单,它只选择 4 个随机数作为坐标来画一条线.同样的问题.

I made another applet, simpler, that only selects 4 random numbers for coordinates to draw a line. Same problem.

重绘问题似乎发生在用户移动屏幕时,例如当我在 Eclipse 中滚动或调整小程序查看器的大小时.我的源代码发布在这里.

The redrawing problem seems to happen when the user moves the screen, e.g. when I scroll or when I resize the applet viewer in Eclipse. My source code is posted here.


import javax.swing.JApplet;
import java.awt.*;

public class LineApplet extends JApplet {

     * Create the applet.

    static int width;
    int height;

    public void init() {

          width = getSize().width;
          height = getSize().height;


    public static int[] randomLine() {
        int[] pointArray = new int[4];
        int x;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            x = ((int)(Math.random()*(width/10-2)))*20+10;
            pointArray[i] = x;
        return pointArray;

    public void paint(Graphics g) {
        int[] coords = new int[4];
        coords = randomLine();
        g.drawLine(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3]);
        g.drawString(coords[0]/10 + ", " + coords[1]/10, coords[0], coords[1]);
        g.drawString(coords[2]/10 + ", " + coords[3]/10, coords[2], coords[3]);
        int midpointx = (coords[0] + coords[2])/2;
        int midpointy = (coords[1] + coords[3])/2;
        g.drawString(midpointx/10 + ", " + midpointy/10, midpointx, midpointy);


每次 paint() 被调用时,你都在计算新的坐标.

You are calculating new co-ordinates every time paint() is called.

paint() 每次小程序窗口调整大小或重新获得焦点时都会调用.

paint() is called every time the applet window is resized or regains focus.


int[] coords = new int[4];


coords = randomLine();

到你的 init() 方法,它只会在初始化时调用一次.

to your init() method, which will only be called once upon initialization.


  • 在覆盖 paint() 时总是调用 super.paint(g);.

对于使用 Swing 的自定义绘画,首选的方法是扩展 JComponent 组件,利用 paintComponent 提供的增强绘画功能.

For custom painting using Swing, the preferred approach is to extends a JComponent component leveraging the enhanced paint functionality offered by using paintComponent.


For more see: Performing Custom Painting.

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05-28 14:43