


Does anybody have any idea about the differences between barcode fonts (used as a font in reports) and fonts that are printed directly from a barcode printer?


Why should we put a star before and after the barcode font? It's my understanding that we don't need that when we use a barcode printer... why not?


星号是代码39 .它用作条形码本身的定界符.如果没有星星,条形码阅读器将无法识别该代码.

The star character is part of the specification for Code 39. It is used as a delimiter for the barcode itself. Barcode readers will not recognize the code if the stars are not present.

使用条形码打印机时,打印机会自动添加星号.您告诉打印机要编码的内容(以及要使用的代码),其余的工作就由它来完成.如果您使用其他编码(不是Code 39),则将使用该代码的适当开始和结束定界符.使用条形码字体时,必须手动放置这些定界符.

When using a barcode printer, the printer adds the stars automatically. You tell the printer what you want encoded (and which code to use), and it takes care of the rest. If you were using a different encoding (other than Code 39), the appropriate start and end delimiters for that code would be used instead. When using a barcode font, you have to place those delimiters by hand.


There should be no physical differences between the font and the output from the barcode printer, but beware of other gotchas: some codes require a certain amount of whitespace on either side of the printed code, and some include a calculated checksum character, which must come after the code characters but before the last delimiter, e.g.:

[whitespace][delim][char 1][char 2]...[char N][checksum][delim][whitespace]


All of these elements are part of the requirements for a particular code. The barcode printer will handle these things automatically. If you have trouble with the codes printed using fonts, try carefully comparing the output of the barcode printer with the output from the regular printer.


05-28 14:10