


Is there a way to embed a font to the xls and use it with PHPExcel?


I want custom font because I want to use barcode font in the excel.I tried to embed a barcode image but random dot appears when printing and the barcode scanner cannot read it.


没有. Excel依赖于打开Excel文档的客户端PC上存在的字体范围.如果不存在字体,它将退回到该客户端PC上存在的字体系列的成员.如果在xls文件中引用的字体在客户端PC上不存在该字体系列的成员,则根本无法呈现该字体.这是标准的MS Excel行为,并非特定于PHPExcel生成的文件.

There isn't. Excel relies on the range of fonts that exist on the client PC where the Excel document is opened. Where a font doesn't exist, it will fall back to members of the font family that exist on that client PC. In the case of a font referenced in an xls file where no member of that font family exists on the client PC, it simply cannot be rendered. This is standard MS Excel behaviour, not specific to PHPExcel-generated files.


The only alternative I can suggest is generating an image file of the barcode, and embedding that image in the xls file.


05-28 13:38