我正在尝试使用最新版本的Apache FOP生成PDF.但是,在执行此操作时,返回码出现错误.由于某种原因,它现在在执行过程中返回"1"而不是"0".
I am attempting to use the latest version of Apache FOP to generate PDF's. When doing this however, I am getting an error with the return code. For some reason it is now returning "1" instead of "0" on the process execute.
ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(commandWords);
StringBuilder outputBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Process process = processBuilder.start();
exitCode = process.waitFor(); //Should return 0, actually returns 1
The command words I am passing are...
path -jar fop.jar -c configPath -fo {null} -pdf outputPath
path -Xms256m -Xmx{maxmemory} -jar fop.jar -c configFile -fo {null} -pdf outputPath
I also managed to get this error out of it later which I suspect may be the cause. I will add an answer later as required if I find my own solution.
Any advice on this subject is appreciated, if you require additional information I would also be happy to update my question, as I am not 100% sure what information is required to debug this problem.
- Java版本:8
- Apache FOP:2.1
进一步研究之后,我们正在运行一个tomcat服务器,该服务器反过来又启动了Apache FOP.由于尝试解析的参数不正确,因此内存用完了.
After looking into this further, we are running a tomcat server, which was in turn launching the Apache FOP. It was running out of memory because the parameters it was attempting to parse were incorrect.
We redid the setup and instead passed the following two changes to the FOP as default and it worked perfectly. We believe the default was something either invalid or too low to handle the process.
path -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -jar fop.jar -c configFile -fo {null} -pdf outputPath
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