


I have an app that connects to an external printer device and I need to take some user data and dynamically make an image and print it. The printer API requires a bitmap as input for printing. Note that I never want to draw the programmatically created image to the screen; the generation and printing of the image have no visible UI, it happens in the background.


So far I've considered doing it one of the following ways:

1)制作画布,从不调用绘图函数,将其转换为位图然后打印(与使用Canvas API的预期方式有些出入)

1) Make a canvas, never call the draw functions, translate it to a bitmap then print (a bit of a departure from the intended way to use the Canvas API)

2)创建一个隐藏的ImageView xml布局,从不使其可见,将其转换为位图然后打印(这可能会很棘手,因为我可能必须将其包含在Activity的布局中才能进行动态编辑,但是消耗资源,感觉效率低下)

2) Make a hidden ImageView xml layout, never make it visible, translate it to a bitmap then print (this can get tricky because I'd probably have to include it in the Activity's layout somewhere to dynamically edit it, but that consumes resources and feels inefficient)


What are your opinions on the best approach? Either of the two ways I've considered feel a bit hacky and leave me lusting for a dedicated API for custom image generation.



The most platform-conformant solution is to take the Canvas approach.


First you should create a Bitmap of the needed dimensions and pass it to the Canvas(Bitmap) constructor. Then you draw whatever you need onto your canvas and retain the reference to the bitmap to use wherever you need throughout your app (in my case it's being sent to the printer).



bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(LABEL_SIDE_LENGTH, LABEL_SIDE_LENGTH, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)

下一步[在override fun draw(canvas: Canvas)]中像这样设置Canvas的位图;

Next [in override fun draw(canvas: Canvas)] set the Canvas' Bitmap like so;



You retain the reference to bitmap and it can be used wherever you need


05-28 13:12