本文介绍了为什么我的字体在 IE9 中看起来好多了?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用 font-family: Myriad;font-size: 40px 对于某些文本.我不敢相信 IE 以最佳质量显示字体!比 Opera、Firefox 和 Chrome 好得多.

I use font-family: Myriad; font-size: 40px for some text. I can't believe IE displays the font in the best quality! Much better than Opera, Firefox and Chrome.

怎么可能?如何使文本在其他浏览器中与在 IE 中一样好看?

How can it be? How can I make text look as good in other browsers as in IE?




Try this link in all browsers. IE (the newest version, 9) shows the best and most quality text, doesn't it?


简单地说:这是因为 IE9 引入了 一种新的字体渲染引擎,主要基于 WPF 的 ClearType 实现.其增强型引擎在减少锯齿边缘方面做得更好,使字体看起来更流畅、更好,尤其是在大尺寸时.

Simply put: this is because IE9 introduces a new font rendering engine that is based largely on that seen in WPF's ClearType implementation. Its enhanced engine does a better job at reducing jagged edges, making fonts look smoother and better, especially at large sizes.

深入了解细节——我的意思是真正技术性的——这种类型的 ClearType 与在 Windows 的其余部分中看到的不同,也称为 GDI ClearType(用于 Windows 的 GDI 图形图书馆).旧的 GDI ClearType 是大多数其他浏览器的 Windows 版本基于其字体渲染引擎的一种,这也是使字体在大尺寸下看起来非常锯齿的一种.

Getting into the details — and I mean to get really technical — this breed of ClearType is different from the one seen in the rest of Windows, also known as GDI ClearType (for Windows' GDI graphics library). The old GDI ClearType is the one that Windows versions of most other browsers base their font rendering engines off, which is also the one that makes fonts look really jaggy in large sizes.

第二个链接中的以下段落总结了其余大部分内容,这很好地解释了为什么字体在 IE9 的新引擎中看起来更流畅:

The following paragraph from the second link summarizes most of the rest of its content, that explains quite nicely why fonts look smoother in IE9's new engine:

与之前版本的 ClearType 相比,一个显着的改进是使用了亚像素定位.与 GDI 中的 ClearType 实现不同,Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 中的 ClearType 允许字形在像素内开始,而不仅仅是像素的开始边界.由于定位字形的这种额外分辨率,字形的间距和比例更加精确和一致.

请特别参阅关于 Y-direction anti-别名 与截图进行比较.另一个引用:

See, especially, the section on Y-direction anti-aliasing with screenshots for comparison. Another quote:

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 中的 ClearType 在 y 方向级别提供抗锯齿功能,以平滑任何锯齿状边缘.

这篇关于为什么我的字体在 IE9 中看起来好多了?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-28 13:06