It's well documented (e.g. here) that IE9 ignores the OS-wide settings for font smoothing (aka anti-aliasing). Even if font-smoothing and ClearType are disabled in Windows, IE still shows anti-aliased fonts, which some users struggle to read, especially at small font sizes.
How can I disable all font anti-aliasing (ClearType or otherwise) in IE9?
Our company builds a web application which uses a lot of small fonts. With the release of IE9, some of our users have complained that IE9's default anti-aliasing makes our small fonts fuzzy or blurry. So we need to help our users who've installed IE9 and who want to turn off anti-aliasing.
Also, personally, I have trouble reading small, anti-aliased fonts, so I'd like a solution for my own use, even for sites I don't control.
In IE8 I could uncheck the "Always use ClearType for HTML" and then disable ClearType in the OS and IE8 would show all fonts aliased. But in IE9, this option is missing.
After some research about the problem, here's what I've learned: the core issue is that IE relies on DirectWrite for text rendering and does not support any of the newer rendering options which would draw text without anti-aliasing and respect the user's OS-wide default choices.
Making things worse, if you disable ClearType in the OS, in some cases IE will fall back to DirectWrite's default non-cleartype anti-aliasing which is even fuzzier than ClearType.
经过几天的搜索,我发现了 MSDN论坛线程向我指出了此处的解决方案: http://www.softwareninjas.ca/dwrite-dll-wrapper
After a few days of searching, I found an MSDN Forums thread which pointed me to a solution here: http://www.softwareninjas.ca/dwrite-dll-wrapper
按照该页面上的说明进行操作,您将从IE9(即使是64位Windows 7上也至少是32位版本的IE,它是默认IE)上删除了抗锯齿.到目前为止,我已经在Win7 x64笔记本电脑上对其进行了测试,并且可以完美地工作.
Follow the instructions on that page and you'll remove anti-aliasing from IE9 (at least the 32-bit version of IE which is the default IE, even on 64-bit Windows 7). I've tested it so far on a Win7 x64 laptop and it worked flawlessly.
非常感谢奥利维尔·达格奈(Olivier Dagenais)建造了这个建筑.这是他的解决方案工作原理的技术摘要.
Big thanks to Olivier Dagenais who built this. Here's a technical summary of how his solution works.
这是一个两步过程.首先,您需要通过注册表项在IE中禁用ClearType.此设置与以前版本的IE中可用的设置相同,但由于它已在IE9中停止工作,因此已从IE UI中删除.
It's a two-step process. First, you need to disable ClearType in IE via a registry key. This is the same setting which was available in previous versions of IE, but it was removed from the IE UI because it stopped working in IE9.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
Second, now that ClearType is disabled, Windows will fall back to a non-cleartype anti-aliasing solution. Now that fallback anti-alising also needs to be disabled. Quoting from the thread above:
如果您想知道,有一个 也可以关闭它.
In case you were wondering, there is a way to turn that off too.
我用来关闭 亚像素奇迹是要建立一个简单的 dwrite.dll的包装器 拦截并将呼叫转发给 真正的dwrite.dll,禁用字体 在此过程中进行平滑处理.
The method i used to turn off the sub-pixel wonder is to build a simple wrapper for dwrite.dll which intercepts and forwards calls to the real dwrite.dll, disabling font smoothing in the process.
您可以从以下网站下载: http://www.softwareninjas.ca/dwrite-dll-包装器
You can download it from: http://www.softwareninjas.ca/dwrite-dll-wrapper
您可以在以下位置找到代码 https://softwareninjas.kilnhg.com/Repo/Open-Source/Group/DWrite-dll-Wrapper
You can find the code at https://softwareninjas.kilnhg.com/Repo/Open-Source/Group/DWrite-dll-Wrapper
This was a pretty cool hack. Probably somewhat brittle across windows and DirectX releases, but will do the trick for now until Microsoft gets their act together to fix the underlying "can't disable anti-aliasing" problem in IE itself.
它也适用于使用IE WebBrowser控件(又名MSHTML)的应用程序,因此您可以逐个应用程序控制抗锯齿.它也适用于HTML帮助查看器.
It also works for apps which use the IE WebBrowser control (aka MSHTML), so you can control anti-aliasing on an app-by-app basis. It also works for the HTML Help viewer.
Note that the text quality in IE9 standards mode isn't ideal. Specifically, small fonts sometimes have letters sometimes run together without the usual one-pixel space between them. If you render the same page in compatibility mode (or your site uses a non-strict DTD or other non-standards-enforcing DTD), then it looks fine. So there's an additional step for some sites if they want the best aliased text rendering: just view a site in compatibility mode by pressing the compatibility button in IE's toolbar.