

什么是信号量与放之间的基本差异;自旋锁? &安培;在什么情况下最好还是条件下,我们可以使用这些。

What is the basic differences between Semaphores & Spinlock? & In what best situations or conditions, we can use these.



Spinlock and semaphore differ mainly in four things:

A 自旋锁的是一个可能实现的锁,即一个由忙等待(纺)来实现。信号量是一个锁的一般化(或其他方式,锁是信号量的一种特殊情况)。一般,但不一定的,自旋锁是只有一个进程内有效,而信号量可以使用不同的进程之间进行同步,也

1. What they are
A spinlock is one possible implementation of a lock, namely one that is implemented by busy waiting ("spinning"). A semaphore is a generalization of a lock (or, the other way around, a lock is a special case of a semaphore). Usually, but not necessarily, spinlocks are only valid within one process whereas semaphores can be used to synchronize between different processes, too.

A 信号灯的有一个计数器,并让自己受到的一个或几个取决于什么线程,这取决于你发布什么价值给它,(在某些实现)收购了最大允许值。

A lock works for mutual exclusion, that is one thread at a time can acquire the lock and proceed with a "critical section" of code. Usually, this means code that modifies some data shared by several threads.
A semaphore has a counter and will allow itself being acquired by one or several threads, depending on what value you post to it, and (in some implementations) depending on what its maximum allowable value is.


Insofar, one can consider a lock a special case of a semaphore with a maximum value of 1.


2. What they do
As stated above, a spinlock is a lock, and therefore a mutual exclusion (strictly 1 to 1) mechanism. It works by repeatedly querying and/or modifying a memory location, usually in an atomic manner. This means that acquiring a spinlock is a "busy" operation that possibly burns CPU cycles for a long time (maybe forever!) while it effectively achieves "nothing".
The main incentive for such an approach is the fact that a context switch has an overhead equivalent to spinning a few hundred (or maybe thousand) times, so if a lock can be acquired by burning a few cycles spinning, this may overall very well be more efficient. Also, for realtime applications it may not be acceptable to block and wait for the scheduler to come back to them at some far away time in the future.


A semaphore, by contrast, either does not spin at all, or only spins for a very short time (as an optimization to avoid the syscall overhead). If a semaphore cannot be acquired, it blocks, giving up CPU time to a different thread that is ready to run. This may of course mean that a few milliseconds pass before your thread is scheduled again, but if this is no problem (usually it isn't) then it can be a very efficient, CPU-conservative approach.



一个设计良好的系统通常有低或无拥塞(这意味着并不是所有的线程试图获得在准确的同一时间锁定)。例如,一个通常的的写code,其获取的锁,然后加载一半来自网络的zip-COM pressed兆字节的数据,德codeS和解析数据,最后修改释放锁之前的共享参考(数据追加到一个容器,等等)。相反,人们将获得锁只用于访问的共享资源的目的。结果

A well-designed system normally has low or no congestion (this means not all threads try to acquire the lock at the exact same time). For example, one would normally not write code that acquires a lock, then loads half a megabyte of zip-compressed data from the network, decodes and parses the data, and finally modifies a shared reference (append data to a container, etc.) before releasing the lock. Instead, one would acquire the lock only for the purpose of accessing the shared resource.
Since this means that there is considerably more work outside the critical section than inside it, naturally the likelihood for a thread being inside the critical section is relatively low, and thus few threads are contending for the lock at the same time. Of course every now and then two threads will try to acquire the lock at the same time (if this couldn't happen you wouldn't need a lock!), but this is rather the exception than the rule in a "healthy" system.


In such a case, a spinlock greatly outperforms a semaphore because if there is no lock congestion, the overhead of acquiring the spinlock is a mere dozen cycles as compared to hundreds/thousands of cycles for a context switch or 10-20 million cycles for losing the remainder of a time slice.


On the other hand, given high congestion, or if the lock is being held for lengthy periods (sometimes you just can't help it!), a spinlock will burn insane amounts of CPU cycles for achieving nothing.
A semaphore (or mutex) is a much better choice in this case, as it allows a different thread to run useful tasks during that time. Or, if no other thread has something useful to do, it allows the operating system to throttle down the CPU and reduce heat / conserve energy.

此外,单核系统上,一个螺旋锁将处于锁定拥塞的presence相当低效的,作为纺丝线程将浪费其完整的时间等待的状态更改,不可能发生(直到释放线程被调度,其中的没有发生的等待线程运行时!)。因此,考虑的任何的争量,获取锁需要大约1 1/2时间片在最好的情况下(假设释放线程是被调度下一个),这不是很好的行为。

Also, on a single-core system, a spinlock will be quite inefficient in presence of lock congestion, as a spinning thread will waste its complete time waiting for a state change that cannot possibly happen (not until the releasing thread is scheduled, which isn't happening while the waiting thread is running!). Therefore, given any amount of contention, acquiring the lock takes around 1 1/2 time slices in the best case (assuming the releasing thread is the next one being scheduled), which is not very good behaviour.

信号量将时下一般包装 sys_futex Linux下(可以选择尝试几次后退出的自旋锁)。结果
自旋锁是用原子操作,并且不使用由操作系统提供的任何通常实现。在过去,这意味着使用任一编译器内在函数或非便携式汇编指令。同时这两个C ++ 11和C11具有原子操作作为语言的一部分,从写正确可证明无锁code的普通难度因此除了,现在可以实现在无锁code完全便携和(几乎)无痛的方式。

4. How they're implemented
A semaphore will nowadays typically wrap sys_futex under Linux (optionally with a spinlock that exits after a few attempts).
A spinlock is typically implemented using atomic operations, and without using anything provided by the operating system. In the past, this meant using either compiler intrinsics or non-portable assembler instructions. Meanwhile both C++11 and C11 have atomic operations as part of the language, so apart from the general difficulty of writing provably correct lock-free code, it is now possible to implement lock-free code in an entirely portable and (almost) painless way.


05-28 12:09