


I am using Semaphore to limit the number of concurrent instances my application can run.


There are many ways a process can terminate. Can the Semaphore be created so it automatically releases upon process exit?



I would like some magic to automatically clean up the semaphore 'raised' state for the process owning it upon exit or crash. Just to be sure that it is cleared, no matter what.



I am looking for any viable option for it, considering:

  • 不需要外部应用程序来保留受保护应用程序的每个实例将是一个很好的选择

  • 它不必是信号量-任何具有COUNTER并且在所有者进程死亡时自动释放的同步对象都可以,即使它作弊

  • 我正在使用.NET 2.0,无法在该项目上升级到新版本,但可以使用c / c ++和互操作来利用某些东西



You can hook into the AppDomain.ProcessExit event to perform any cleanup operations like releasing the semaphore.

通常,命名信号量旨在协调跨流程分配资源,而无需考虑特定的流程生命周期。 .NET中的信号量由,并且MSDN说:

Generally, named semaphores are designed to coordinate resources across processes without taking particular process life-time into account. Semaphores in .NET are backed by native Windows semaphore objects, and the MSDN says:


Hence the right approach is explicit handling before process termination.


Update — Other options to consider:

  1. 如果在 AppDomain.ProcessExit 事件中手动处理紧急发布不可行,请考虑创建一个 IDisposable 包装器,该包装器将在其构造函数中获取信号并通过 Dispose 方法释放该信号。

  2. 另一个问题是:在这种情况下,信号量是否是正确的同步对象?一个简单的(命名)互斥体不能更好地工作吗?

  1. In case it's not feasible to handle "emergency" release manually in the AppDomain.ProcessExit event, consider creating an IDisposable wrapper that would acquire the semaphore in its constructor and release it in the Dispose method.
  2. Another question is: is a Semaphore the right synchronization object for this case? Wouldn't a simple (named) mutex work better?

更新-如果应用程序崩溃或被强制终止(例如通过任务管理器), ProcessExit 将没有机会得到处理。因此,可能无法正确完成/处置/处理在多个进程之间共享的任何非托管资源。有关更多信息,请参见详细信息。

Update — In case of an application crash or forced termination (i.e. via Task Manager) ProcessExit won't have a chance to be handled. Hence any unmanaged resources shared between multiple processes may not be finalized / disposed / handled correctly. See this article for further details.


A viable option may be creating a named pipe. The advantage of named pipes is they cease to exit once the creating process is terminated. According to MSDN:


There are two options to limit the number of pipe instances:

  1. 仅一个实例:通过指定 FILE_FLAG_FIRST_PIPE_INSTANCE dwOpenMode 参数中的>标志可以禁止创建管道的多个实例。然后,尝试创建管道的第二个进程将收到错误。

  2. 更多实例:通过在 nMaxInstances 论点。当允许 N 时, N + 1 st进程将收到错误。

  1. Just one instance: By specifying the FILE_FLAG_FIRST_PIPE_INSTANCE flag in the dwOpenMode argument it is possible to prohibit creation of multiple instances of the pipe. Then, the second process attempting to create the pipe will receive an error.
  2. More instances: By specifying the number of allowed instances in the nMaxInstances argument. When N are allowed, the N+1st process will receive an error.


05-28 12:09