

我已经建立了一个门户,其中一个页面列出了Octopus Deploy的发行版。但是,每个版本所需的一些信息都保存在数据存储区(共享驱动器)的zip内。

I've built a portal, one of the pages lists releases from Octopus Deploy. However, some information needed about each release is held inside its zip in a data store (shared drive).

我目前是从Octopus的API获取版本,然后检查 mongo db ,其中已经存储了已经访问过的zip文件中的信息,因此我们仅需一次读取zip文件,这是第一次创建它们。

I currently get releases from Octopus's API then check a mongo db where ve stored information from the zip files ive already accessed so we only have to read the zip files once, the first time they are created.


The logic for this currently all works however when it's reading the zip files for the first time it is completely blocking. So ive put it within a child process which runs and works great.

当前,所有这些逻辑都在用户每次点击发布页面时运行。如果八达通部署的所有结果都在数据库中,则它仅返回那些结果。如果不是,它将返回结果,然后在子进程将其插入数据库后,使用socket io返回从zip文件读取的信息。

Currently, the logic for all of this runs every time a user hits the release page. If all results from octopus deploy are in the database then it just returns those results. If not it'll return the results it has then used socket io to return the information read from the zip files once the child process has inserted it into the database.


Now the actual problem/question. As its run every time the user hits the page if user A hits the page and gets a release from octopus that is not in the database it will start the child process to read the zip. If user B hits the page before user A's child process has finished they will also get a release from octopus that is not in the database and so will try and hit the child process to do the same thing as user A. However because the code to read the zip file is blocking it'll wait until all the zip files are read from user A then repeat the proccess for user B.



Ive tried setting a 'inuse' variable and checking it when trying to perform the read zips function in the child process and also in the module that calls it. Trouble is in the child process the zip reading functions blocks it, once it's complete sets the in-use variable to false and so the queued call runs the same thing. In the module its loaded every time the user loads the page so its reset to the default value of false so the read zip function is always called.



check exit event listener.http://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#child_process_event_exit


Then you make some logic as some sort of global object to maintain the state. Like we set a flag when we start the child and set it to off when ext event fires.


05-28 11:55