

这更像是一个关于如何正确设置路径的 n00b Unix 问题.这也不是 julia 特有的问题,而是一般来说如何正确设置路径(我怀疑).

This is more of a n00b Unix question regarding how to set up paths correctly. It is also not a question that is specific to julia, but rather how to set up paths correctly in general (I suspect).

目前,我可以通过终端启动 julia 的唯一方法是使用以下命令:

At the moment, the only way I can start julia via the Terminal is by using the command:

$ exec '/Applications/Julia-0.4.0.app/Contents/Resources/julia/bin/julia'

而不是$ julia



  1. 切换到你的主目录并找到文件.bash_profile(注意.开头:这是一个隐藏文件.你可以做ls -a 看看它是否在那里,或者只是尝试用编辑器打开它.)

  1. Change to your home directory and find the file .bash_profile (note the . at the start: this is a hidden file. You can do ls -a to see if it is there, or just try to open it with an editor.)

如果 .bash_profile 文件尚不存在(例如,使用您喜欢的文本编辑器),请创建它.

Create the .bash_profile file if it doesn't already exist (e.g. using your favourite text editor).


alias julia="/Applications/Julia-0.4.1.app/Contents/Resources/julia/bin/julia"

  • 打开一个新的终端窗口,尽情享受吧!

  • Open a new terminal window and enjoy!


    (Note that 0.4.1 is the current latest stable version, which is what I have used here.)


  • 05-28 11:23