Hi there I have a question regarding sending a string that will command an old 80s robot.I have made the connection to the robot via USB-Serial Port with help from you guys :)
Now I need to assign different strings of code that look like this :":01013100010010"
Every single code controls one of the six step-motors of the robot.
I need help assigning different commands to 6 (I have 6 motors) different "+" and "-" buttons that will control the robot to go for example left or right.
我不知道的另一个问题是应该使用"button1_Click"还是"button1_MouseDown and up"?我所需要做的就是单击按钮,然后机器人向左或向右走1步,而不是一直向左或向右走.
Another I don't know is should I use the "button1_Click" or "button1_MouseDown and up"?All I need is to click on the button and the robot to go 1 step left or one step right, not all the way it can go to left or right.
我认为这取决于您控制该设备的设备,该设备可能需要某种驱动程序进行通信,因为由于以下原因,它可能至少需要COM Interop.年龄
I think it depends on the the device your controlling the device would likely need some sort of driver to communicate since it will likely require COM Interop at minimum due to the age
if your trying to hack your way through it your going to have a much more difficult time unless you have the protocol documentation
if you have determined that you can communicate with your BOT then this article may help you out
如果还有兼容的驱动程序,您可能想要尝试使用Microsoft Robotics Studio,该软件可以帮助您为机器人提供一些控制代码,从听起来似乎不可行的年代开始,
also if there is a compatible driver for it you may want to try out Microsoft Robotics Studio which could help you with some of the cotrol code for your robot, judging from the age it sounds to be a bit unlikely there will be a compatible driver for it tho