I've seen this question before, but still a bit confused: how would I create communication between child processes of the same parent? All I'm trying to do at the moment is passing a message from the first child process to the nth child process. My idea is to create n-1 pipes in the parent process and then redirect the parent's ends to the next child process. What I can't figure out is, how would we redirect the ends from the parent if the next child process hasn't been created? I feel there's an issue in the way I'm approaching this.
My goal is to print the message that was passed from the first child process to the last one. It's a simple program.
,重定向输入和输出流(子进程)因此,关闭未使用的管端并执行 EXEC
You don't need to create the processes first. The solution is as follows: you first create all the needed pipes, save them in some array. Then you do a fork
, redirect input and output streams (for the child process) accordingly, close unused pipe ends and perform an exec
. Pipes can exist without the corresponding processes, they have buffers, so you can write to a pipe while nobody's still reading, it will be ok.
您只应 EXEC
做之前要注意关闭未使用的ID的。并注意写入一个烟斗的输入端点(所有输入端点)可能成为封闭的:它可能会导致 SIGPIPE
You should just be aware of closing unused id's before doing exec
. And be careful writing to a pipe which input endpoints (all the input endpoints) could become closed: it could result in a SIGPIPE