本文介绍了如何在 Rust 中懒惰地创建其构造使用 self 的地图条目的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在 Rust 中实现惰性构造/记忆化评估/缓存习语.

I'm trying to implement a lazy-construction / memoized evaluation / caching idiom in Rust.


There's an outer type which has a bunch of data and an accessor method. The accessor method needs to either return a cached calculation (if it has one) or calculate it and store the return value in a map for later use. The cached value doesn't need to reference the outer value so there's no circular reference problem; but it does need access to the outer value's data in order to construct itself.

这是一个没有通过 Rust 借用检查器的完整示例:

Here's a full example which doesn't pass Rust's borrow checker:

use std::collections::HashMap;

pub struct ContainedThing {
    count: usize,

impl ContainedThing {
    fn create(thing: &Thing) -> ContainedThing {
        // create uses an arbitrary number of attributes from Thing
        // it doesn't keep any references after returning though
        let count = thing.map.len();
        ContainedThing { count: count }

struct Thing {
    map: HashMap<i32, ContainedThing>,

impl Thing {
    pub fn get(&mut self, key: i32) -> &ContainedThing {
            .or_insert_with(|| ContainedThing::create(&self))

fn main() {}


error[E0502]: cannot borrow `self` as immutable because `self.map` is also borrowed as mutable
  --> src/main.rs:24:29
22 |         self.map
   |         -------- mutable borrow occurs here
23 |             .entry(key)
24 |             .or_insert_with(|| ContainedThing::create(&self))
   |                             ^^                         ---- borrow occurs due to use of `self` in closure
   |                             |
   |                             immutable borrow occurs here
25 |     }
   |     - mutable borrow ends here

我很难找到实现这个成语的好方法.我尝试了模式匹配 get() 而不是 entry() API 的返回值,但仍然遇到借用检查器:match 表达式最终也会借用 self.

I'm having a really hard time figuring out a good way to implement this idiom. I tried pattern matching the return value of get() instead of the entry() API, but still fell foul of the borrow checker: the match expression also ends up borrowing self.

我可以像这样重写 get:

pub fn get(&mut self, key: i32) -> &ContainedThing {
    if !self.map.contains_key(&key) {
        let thing = ContainedThing::create(&self);
        self.map.insert(key, thing);


but this is pretty ugly (look at that unwrap) and seems to require more lookups and copies than ought to be necessary. Ideally, I would like

  1. 只需支付一次查找哈希条目的费用.entry(),做对了,应该在没有找到的时候跟踪插入位置.
  2. 减少新构造值的副本数.这可能是不可行的,理想情况下我会有一个就地构造.
  3. 避免使用unwrap;没有毫无意义的模式匹配,也就是说.
  1. to only pay the cost of finding the hash entry once. entry(), done right, ought to track the insertion location when not found.
  2. reduce the number of copies of the freshly constructed value. This may be infeasible, ideally I'd have an in-place construction.
  3. to avoid using unwrap; without a pointless pattern match, that is.


Is my clumsy code the best that can be achieved?


答案是具体取决于您需要在 or_insert_with 闭包中访问哪个状态.问题是 or_insert_with 绝对不能访问地图本身,因为入口 api 需要可变借用地图.

The answer is that it depends on specifically which state you need access to in the or_insert_with closure. The problem is that or_insert_with definitely cannot have access to the map itself because the entry api takes a mutable borrow of the map.

如果 ContainedThing::create 只需要地图的大小,那么您只需提前计算地图的大小.

If all you need for ContainedThing::create is just the size of the map, then you'll just need to calculate the map size ahead of time.

impl Thing {
    pub fn get(&mut self, key: i32) -> &ContainedThing {
        let map_size = self.map.len();
        self.map.entry(&key).or_insert_with(|| {
            // The call to entry takes a mutable reference to the map,
            // so you cannot borrow map again in here

不过,我认为这个问题的精神更多地是关于一般策略,所以我们假设 Thing 中还有一些其他状态也是创建 ContainedThing 所必需的.

I think the spirit of the question was more about general strategies, though, so let's assume there's some other state within Thing that is also required to create ContainedThing.

struct Thing {
    map: HashMap<i32, ContainedThing>,
    some_other_stuff: AnotherType, //assume that this other state is also required in order to create ContainedThing

impl Thing {
    pub fn get(&mut self, key: i32) -> &ContainedThing {
        //this is the borrow of self
        let Thing {
            ref mut map,
            ref mut some_other_stuff,
        } = *self;

        let map_size = map.len();
        map.entry(key).or_insert_with(|| {
            // map.entry now only borrows map instead of self
            // Here you're free to borrow any other members of Thing apart from map
            ContainedThing::create(map_size, some_other_stuff)

这是否真的比您手动检查 if self.map.contains_key(&key) 的其他解决方案更清洁有待商榷.不过,解构往往是我采用的策略,它允许借用 self 的特定成员而不是整个结构.

Whether that's really cleaner than your other solution of manually checking if self.map.contains_key(&key) is up for debate. Destructuring tends to be the strategy that I go for, though, to allow borrowing specific members of self instead of the entire struct.

这篇关于如何在 Rust 中懒惰地创建其构造使用 self 的地图条目的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-28 10:58