Is is possible to create a universal Singleton class, which is, at any given time, only one instance is shared across multiple Java processes?
Multiple Java processes don't share the same virtual machine.
所以你最终会得到一个托管单例的JVM实例,然后是一个JVM实例使用远程方法调用访问单例的每个进程为@Little Bobby Tables建议。
So you would end up with one JVM instance hosting the singleton, then one JVM instance per process which access the singleton using Remote Method Invocation as @Little Bobby Tables suggested.
When copies of the Singleton class run in multiple VMs, an instance is created for each machine. That each VM can hold its own Singleton might seem obvious but, in distributed systems such as those using EJBs, Jini, and RMI, it's not so simple. Since intermediate layers can hide the distributed technologies, to tell where an object is really instantiated may be difficult.
例如,只有EJB容器决定如何以及何时创建EJB对象或回收现有对象。 EJB可能存在于与调用它的代码不同的VM中。此外,可以在多个VM中同时实例化单个EJB。对于无状态会话bean,对您的代码显示为一个实例的多次调用实际上可能是对不同VM上的不同实例的调用。甚至可以通过调用之间的持久性机制来保存实体EJB,这样您就不知道哪个实例会回答您的方法调用。 (作为实体bean规范的一部分的主键是正确的,因为引用标识在标识bean时没有用。)
For example, only the EJB container decides how and when to create EJB objects or to recycle existing ones. The EJB may exist in a different VM from the code that calls it. Moreover, a single EJB can be instantiated simultaneously in several VMs. For a stateless session bean, multiple calls to what appears, to your code, to be one instance could actually be calls to different instances on different VMs. Even an entity EJB can be saved through a persistence mechanism between calls, so that you have no idea what instance answers your method calls. (The primary key that is part of the entity bean spec is needed precisely because referential identity is of no use in identifying the bean.)
EJB容器的传播能力如果您尝试在EJB的上下文中编写Singleton,则跨多个VM的单个EJB实例的标识会导致混淆。 Singleton的实例字段不是全局唯一的。因为看起来是同一个对象涉及多个VM,所以可能会出现几个Singleton对象。
The EJB containers' ability to spread the identity of a single EJB instance across multiple VMs causes confusion if you try to write a Singleton in the context of an EJB. The instance fields of the Singleton will not be globally unique. Because several VMs are involved for what appears to be the same object, several Singleton objects might be brought into existence.
Systems based on distributed technologies such as EJB, RMI, and Jini should avoid Singletons that hold state. Singletons that do not hold state but simply control access to resources are also not appropriate for EJBs, since resource management is the role of the EJB container. However, in other distributed systems, Singleton objects that control resources may be used on the understanding that they are not unique in the distributed system, just in the particular VM.