

使用这组命令,什么是{}和\; ?

With this set of commands, what are the {} and \; characters for?

find . -name '*.clj' -exec grep -r resources {} \;


请参阅。 (特别是 -exec 部分)

See man find. (particular the part about -exec)

使用 -exec 为每个找到的文件运行命令, {} 被替换为找到的每个文件的名称,命令终止 \;

When using -exec to run a command on each of the files found, the {} is replaced with the name of each file found, and the command is terminated by \;

在您的示例中,在当前目录下找到的所有文件(),匹配 *。clj 将有命令 grep -r resources

In your example, all files found under the current directory (.), matching the name *.clj will have the command grep -r resources run on them (to find the string resources if it exists in each of those files).

实际上有些多余,因为 c $ c> -r 用于递归搜索子目录,这是找到已经在做。

It's actually somewhat redundant, since -r is for recursively searching subdirectories, and that's what find is already doing.


05-28 10:39