Linux 平台上进程(C++ 应用程序)检查其实例未运行的最佳方法是什么?
What is the best way on Linux platform for the process (C++ application) to check its instance is not already running?
执行此操作的标准方法是在某处创建一个 pidfile,通常包含您程序的 pid.
The standard way to do this is to create a pidfile somewhere, typically containing the pid of your program.
你不需要把 pid 放在那里,你可以在它上面放一个排他锁.如果您打开它进行读/写并使用 LOCK_EX 将其聚集 |LOCK_NB,如果文件已经被锁定,它将失败.这是无竞争条件的,如果程序崩溃,锁会自动释放.
You don't need to put the pid in there, you could just put an exclusive lock on it. If you open it for reading/writing and flock it with LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB, it will fail if the file is already locked. This is race-condition free, and the lock will be automatically released if the program crashes.
Normally you'd want to do it per-user, so the user's home directory is a good place to put the file.
如果它是一个守护进程,像/var/run 这样的地方会更好.
If it's a daemon, somewhere like /var/run is better.
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