


Im am implementing a bytecode instrumenter using the soot framework in a testing context and I want to know which design is better.


I am building the TraceMethod object for every Method in a Class that I am instrumenting and I want to run this instrumenter on multiple Classes.


Which Option offers more performance(Space–time)?

public class TraceMethod {
    boolean[] decisionNodeList;
    boolean[] targetList;
    Map<Integer,List<Integer>> dependenciesMap;
    Map<Integer,List<Double>> decisionNodeBranchDistance;

选项2 :(对象)

Option 2: (Objects)

public class TraceMethod {
    ArrayList<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>();
    ArrayList<DecisionNode> decisionNodes = new ArrayList<DecisionNode>();

public class DecisionNode {
    int id;
    Double branchDistance;
    boolean reached;

public class Target {
    int id;
    boolean reached;
    List<DecisionNode> dependencies;

我自己实施了选项2 ,但我的老板建议我选项1 ,他认为这是更轻。我在本文中看到,HashMaps使用的内存多于Objects,但我仍然不相信我的解决方案(选项2 )更好。

I have implemented the option 2 by myself, but my boss suggest me the option 1 and he argue that is "lighter". I saw that in this article "Class Object vs Hashmap" that HashMaps use more memory than Objects, but im still not convinced that my solution(option 2) is better.


Its a simple detail but i want to be sure that I am using the optimal solution, my concern is about performance(Space–time). I know that the second option are way better in term of maintainability but i can sacrifice that if its not optimal.



Approach 1 has the potentical to be much faster and uses less space.



Especially for a byte code instrumenter, I would first implement approach 1.
And then when it works, replace both Lists with non generic lists that use primitive types instead of the Integer and Double object.


Note that an int needs 4 bytes while an Integer (Object) need 16 - 20 bytes, depending on the machine (16 at PC, 20 at android).

列表可以替换为 GrowingIntArray (我已经在Apache的统计包中找到了,如果我记得正确的话)使用原始的int。 (或者,一旦你知道内容不能再改变,可能只需用int []替换)
然后你只需编写自己的GrowingDoubleArray(或使用double [])

The List can be replaced with GrowingIntArray (I have found that in an statistic package of Apache if I remeber correctly) which uses primitive ints. (Or maybe just replaced by an int[] once you know that the content cannot change anymore)Then you just write your own GrowingDoubleArray (or use double[])



Remember Collections are handy but slower.
Objects use 4 times more space than primitives.


A byte code instrumenter needs performance, it is not a software that is run once a week.


Finally I would not replace that Maps with non generic ones, that seems for me to much work. But you may try it as last step.

(Sun / Oracle java会这样做,以及Apple / ios)。

As a final optimization step: look how many elements are in your lists or maps. If that are usually less than 16 (you have to try that out), you may switch to a linear search,which is the fastest, for a very low number of elements.You even can make your code intelligent to switch the search algorithms once the number of elements exceed a specific number.(Sun/Oracle java does this, and Apple/ios, to) in some of their Collections.However this last step will make you code much more complex.


DecisionNode:16为类+ 4(id)+ 20(Double)+4(boolean)= 44 + 4填充,然后是8 = 48字节的下一个倍数。

Space as an exmample:
DecisionNode: 16 for the class + 4 (id) + 20 (Double) +4 (boolean) = 44 + 4 padding to then next multiple of 8 = 48 bytes.


05-28 09:32