



im really new to android development and java, im reading tons of tutorial and ebook side by side to learn basics and doing some experiment meanwhile googling what I need.


as of now im trying to use the new Navigation Drawer I followed the guideline and I managed to have it working with section names title changin on item selected and so on. now I struck beucase I have no idea how to archive what I want to do next


I want that when I click an item in the drawer for example home it bring me to a "page" where I have all the stuff I created in a particular layout for the specific "page" its all static stuff like textviews and images so I don't have to do anything with them.


should I create an activity and a layout for every item on the listview of the drawer and (dunno how yet) start the activity on item selected. or can I do something like create a fragment onTheFly everytime I click an item in the listview and say it "if home clicked" use home.xml as layout" if "contact clicked" use contact.xml as layout.


thanks to everyone who reads my problem and want to help.



作为测试我的推杆进onItemClick上的排列位置pased的方法点击做点什么。作为测试我只是用在如else语句,看看位置== 2(这是接触诠释他listlayout)它的的setContentView(R.layout.contacts)

as a test I putted into onItemClick a method that pased on the array position clicked do something. as a test I just used at if else statement to see if position==2 (which is contact int he listlayout) it does setContentView(R.layout.contacts)

它的工作,但很明显,我失去了抽屉的接触布局东西,它不是嵌套到它。有一个更优雅的方式来实现我的目标,而不是使用一个开关,每个位置和使用的setContentView 修改被嵌套到澈抽屉里的布局? (甚至不知道它可能的,大概不会因为有平等的ID)

it does work but obviously I lose the drawer as the contacts layout stuff its not nested into it. there is a "more elegant" way to achieve my goal instead of use a switch for each position and use setContentView modifying any layout to be nested into che drawer? (don't even know if its possible , probably not as there's equals IDs)


@ Stefan edited this as theres not enought space in the comment reply


thanks stefan, the google example it the thing that makes me more confused.. and im sure there a very little sneaky thing about fragment tha I probably read 10k times but my brain refuses to assimilate ^^ .as far I understood, in the google's example when you click in item in the drawer, it does create a new fragment and makes this fragment replace the only thing there is beside the drawer's lisrview in the MainActivity's xml layout a frame layout that takes all the space of teh screen then as all the fragment do is to diplays a planet imageview so the code says to the fragment to change that image based on the listview array position of the item click. I know im close to understad the whole think.. its just matter or 10 packs of cigs and a couple of cry/rage sessions



Oke, a lot of starter questions here combined with one that's pretty new and undefined yet.


First of all, you start a new Activity by simply doing;

this.startActivity(new Intent(this, ActivityClassName.class));


From any Activity (or Fragment, a bit altered to 'this' = 'this.getActivity()' )


No matter if you use Activities or Fragments, you will always have to create a class and a belonging xml view.You can build up something generic, but most of the time you don't want to do this.


About the question if you should start up a new Activity, or switch Fragments after a click on the Drawer, i'd say thats still hard to say.


In general, it is easiest and the most 'as it should' to just start a new Activity. As an Activity should equal a visible screen with possibly multiple parts (which could be Fragments).

然而在实践中,你会看到越来越多的谷歌应用程序(谷歌音乐,Play商店,新的Gmail ..),似乎放弃了这个想法,并用1活动,只有切换片段不断。

In practice however, you see more and more Google apps (Google Music, Play store, new Gmail..) that seem to abandon this idea and use 1 Activity which only switches Fragments constantly.


Technically this sort of places the Activity in the Application role, which can bring extra difficulties.Visually however, the transitions are much smoother as, per example, the actionbar stays the same and like that is more the 'anchor' Google likes it to be.


It seems however, that they are switching Fragments in their tutorial instead of starting Activities, so perhaps you should try it that way and be on the bleeding edge of the 'new way of doing things' :)


05-28 08:58