

我删除了 TFS 中的一些文件和一些文件夹.许多签入后我发现我需要在我的项目中删除已删除的功能.

I deleted some files and some folders in TFS. Many check in's later I found out that I need the deleted functionality back in my project.


How can I restore the deleted files and folders?


在团队资源管理器中(在 Visual Studio 中):工具 |选项 |源代码管理 |Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 并选择显示已删除的项目...

In Team Explorer (in Visual Studio): Tools | Options | Source Control | Visual Studio Team Foundation Server and select Show Deleted Items...


Then in source control explorer you'll see the items greyed out. You can right click on them and Undelete. (This option will only be available if they, after the undelete, will be included in your current workspace).

注意.在较新版本的 Visual Studio(例如 2013)中,现在有一个按钮可以在源代码管理资源管理器的工具栏中打开已删除项目的显示.它的第二个按钮(这里是 VS 深色主题):

NB. in newer versions of Visual Studio (eg. 2013) there is now a button to switch on display of deleted items in the Source Control Explorer's toolbar. Its the second button (here with the VS dark theme):

或者使用 TFS PowerToys,您可以查看历史记录并右键单击以选择回滚整个变更集":这将创建挂起的更改以还原所选变更集的更改.

Alternatively using the TFS PowerToys you can look at history and right click to select "Rollback Entire Changeset": this will create pending changes to revert the changes of the selected changeset.

在较新版本的 VS 中添加了段落.

Added paragraph on newer versions of VS.


05-28 07:51