

我正在寻找删除(替换)硬编码浏览器/操作系统/版本值的建议@DataProvider public static Object[][] sauceBrowserDataProvider.代码示例:

I'm looking for the recommendation of removing (replacing) the hard-coded browser/OS/Version values from@DataProvider public static Object[][] sauceBrowserDataProvider. The code example:

    @DataProvider(name = "hardCodedBrowsers", parallel = true)
    public static Object[][] sauceBrowserDataProvider(Method testMethod) {
    return new Object[][]{

            **new Object[]{"firefox", "55.0", "Windows 10"},
            new Object[]{"chrome", "65.0", "Windows 10"},**


@Test( dataProvider = "hardCodedBrowsers")

    public void createDriver(String browser, String version, String os)
        throws Exception {
        Class<? extends TestRemote> SLclass = this.getClass();

        DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();

        // set desired capabilities to launch appropriate browser on Sauce
        capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.BROWSER_NAME, browser);
        capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.VERSION, version);
        capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.PLATFORM_NAME, os);

        capabilities.setCapability("seleniumVersion", "3.8.1");
        capabilities.setCapability("name", SLclass.getSimpleName());
        capabilities.setCapability("screenResolution", "1920x1080");

        driver = (new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://" + SAUCE_USERNAME + ":" + SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY + "@ondemand.saucelabs.com:80/wd/hub"), capabilities));

       configRead = new ConfigFileReader();

       propertyRead = new PropertyLoader();

       baseUrl = propertyRead.getProperty("site.url");

       app = new Application(driver);



这是一个基于 Java/TestNg/Jenkins/Saucelabs 的 selenium 项目

This is a selenium project on Java/ TestNg/ Jenkins/Saucelabs


最简单的方法是将组合(浏览器/操作系统/版本)移动到数据源,如 Excel 电子表格或 csv 或 json/yaml/xml 并让您的 @DataProvider 从那里读取它们.

The easiest way of doing this would be to Move the combinations(browser/OS/Version) to a data source like an excel spreadsheet or a csv or a json/yaml/xml and have your @DataProvider read them from there.



05-28 07:07