

我必须发布相同的基于 .NET Core 3.1 的控制台应用程序的多个版本,这些版本是相同的,这些版本之间的唯一区别是它们需要连接到的硬编码服务器地址.

I have to publish multiple versions of the same .NET Core 3.1 based console applications, these versions are identical, the only difference between these versions is an hardcoded server address to which they need to connect.

我的问题是,如何根据 .NET 发布配置在编译时更改硬编码变量的值?

My question is, how I can change the value of an hardcoded variable at compilation time basing on .NET publish configuration?


我同意您应该使用配置文件或环境变量的意见 如果您仍然坚持对所有值进行硬编码,您可以执行类似的操作.

I agree with the comments that you should use configuration files or environment variables If you still insist to hard code all your values you could do something like that.


public const string UrlDev = "";
public const string UrlProd = "";


and when you are about to use the url you can do like in your app

var url = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT") == "Development" ? UrlDev : UrlProd


The Environment variables can be passed to your application on publish like this

dotnet publish /p:Configuration=Release /p:EnvironmentName=Development

上面的行将在 csproj 文件中创建以下代码段

The line above will create the following snippet in the csproj file

      <environmentVariable name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" value="Staging" />

因此,您发布时已在应用程序上附加了环境变量,然后您决定在此变量上使用哪个 url.

So you publish with Environment vairables already attached on the application and then you make a decision which url to use on this variable.


05-28 06:59