本文介绍了基于 DNS 的策略,用于显示一个不错的“当前离线"服务器关闭时的页面的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何使站点在服务器关闭时自动显示一个漂亮的当前离线"页面(我的意思是,整个服务器关闭并且请求无法到达 IIS)

How can I make that a site automagically show a nice "Currently Offline" page when the server is down (I mean, the full server is down and the request can't reach IIS)

手动更改 DNS 不是一种选择.

Changing the DNS manually is not an option.

我正在寻找某种 DNS 技巧来重定向到其他服务器,以防主服务器出现故障.我可以对 DNS 进行永久性更改,但不能在服务器停机时手动更改.

I'm looking to some kind of DNS trick to redirect to other server in case the main server is down. I can make permanent changes to the DNS, but not manually as the server goes down.


我使用了 DNSMadeEasy 的正常运行时间服务 取得巨大成功.实际上,他们将 DNS TTL 设置为一个非常低的数字(5 分钟).他们负责 ping 您的服务器.

I have used the uptime services at DNSMadeEasy to great success. In effect, they set the DNS TTL to a very low number (5 minutes). They take care of pinging your server.

如果出现中断,DNS 查询将定向到辅助 IP.在 DNS 要求有限的小商店中,热备件"的绝佳选择.我已经使用它们 3 年了,没有一分钟的停机时间.

In the event of outage, DNS queries get directed to the secondary IP. An excellent option for a "warm spare" in small shops with limited DNS requirements. I've used them for 3 years with not a single minute of downtime.

这允许在地理上冗余的故障转移,而 NLB 解决方案建议没有解决这一问题.如果网络连接中断,标准 NLB 配置中的两台服务器都将无法访问.

This allows for geographically redundant failover, which the NLB solution proposed does not address. If the network connection is down, both servers in a standard NLB configuration will be unreachable.

这篇关于基于 DNS 的策略,用于显示一个不错的“当前离线"服务器关闭时的页面的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-28 06:51