我第一次尝试使用 Durpal,我正在安装所有推荐的基本模块,但现在网站速度非常慢(尤其是在管理面板中)并且即使我启用了很多模型也没有启用他们.
I try to work with Durpal as first time, I'm installing all the basic recommended modules but now the site is very slow (very very in particular in the admin panel) and lot of models are not enabled even if I enable them.
例如,我安装了管理菜单,如果我打开一个新窗口,我可以看到它,但是每当我执行一些操作(例如进入块或进入配置)时,栏就会消失!在我打开一个新窗口之前不会回来.我启用了视图模块和视图 UI 模块,但在我的结构列表中看不到视图...
For example I installed the Admin menu and if I open a new window I can see it but whenever I do some operation (go in blocks or go in configuration for examples) the bar disappear! And won't come back till i open a new window.I enable View module and view UI module but I can't see views in my structure list...
Any idea why all of these is happening?
我尝试使用 Chrome 和 Firefox,结果是一样的.
I try with Chrome and Firefox and the result is the same.
我在 Mac 上
我明白了!似乎 XML 站点地图模块破坏了所有其他模块并使性能非常缓慢.当没有任何意义时,总是值得卸载所有东西并一一尝试;)
i got it! Seems that the XML sitemap modules broke all the others modules and make the performance very slow.Is always worth to uninstall everything and try one by one when nothing make sense anymore ;)