I have been trying to solve an annoying behavior with PHP (I think..). Maybe some of you have encountered the same and have some ideas. I have an html form and I use an element with the onClick event that calls a javascript function. Once the script's content has been processed, I execute the form.submit() directive. It basically checks common things like length of fields, etc.
现在我的问题是,当我使用输入类型按钮时,我将其名称设置为submit1,而为了运行一个小测试,我将设置< form id ="register" action =< ;?php echo($ PHP_SELF)?>"method ="post">
Now my problem is, when I use input type button, I set its name to submit1, and just to run a small test, I set the <form id="register" action="<?php echo($PHP_SELF) ?>" method="post">
if (isset($_POST["submit1"])) {
echo "Submit button was pressed";
但是,即使我的输入按钮的名称为Submit1,我也从未看到该消息.然后,我将输入类型更改为提交",然后单击提交",我将看到消息,但是唯一的问题是,即使我的javascript函数在表单中发现任何错误,在警报框上单击确定"后,该表单也会继续进行,无论.它仅在submit type = submit上执行此操作.
However, I never see the message even though my input button's name is submit1. I then changed the input type to submit, and I click submit, I'll see the message but the only problem is that even if my javascript function finds any errors in the form, after clicking okay on the alert box, the form continues regardless. It only does this on submit type=submit.
my buttons:1st try:
<input type="button" name="submit1" class="submit" value="Register"
onclick="validateFields()" />
<input type="submit" name="submit1" class="submit" value="Create Account!"
onclick="validateFields()" />
要提交表单,输入字段的类型必须为 submit
,而不是 button
To submit your form, the input field must be of the type submit
, not button
<input type="submit" name="submit1" class="submit" value="Create Account!"
onclick="validateFields()" />
<button type="submit" name="submit1" class="submit" onclick="validateFields()">
Create Account! </button>
And, to avoid your form from being submitted if there are errors, you can return false:
function validateFields() {
//do validation
if(failed) {
return false;