本文介绍了Java Nimbus LAF与透明文本字段的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个应用程序在几个透明的地方使用禁用的JTextFields - 允许显示背景而不是文本字段的正常背景。

I have an application that uses disabled JTextFields in several places which are intended to be transparent - allowing the background to show through instead of the text field's normal background.

运行新的Nimbus LAF时,这些字段是不透明的(尽管设置了setOpaque(false)),并且我的UI被破坏了。好像LAF忽略了不透明的属性。明确地设置背景颜色实际上不起作用 - 它仍然在顶部描绘LAF默认背景,留下边框状外观(下面的启动画面背景显式设置为与图像匹配)。

When running the new Nimbus LAF these fields are opaque (despite setting setOpaque(false)), and my UI is broken. It's as if the LAF is ignoring the opaque property. Setting a background color actually doesn't work - it still paints it's LAF default background over the top, leaving a border-like appearance (the splash screen below has the background explicitly set to match the image).


Any ideas on how I can get Nimbus to not paint the background for a JTextField?


Note: I need a JTextField, rather than a JLabel, because I need the thread-safe setText(), and wrapping capability.


Note: My fallback position is to continue using the system LAF, but Nimbus does look substantially better.


此行为的意外是由于误解了setOpaque()的意图 - 来自Nimbus错误报告:

The surprise at this behavior is due to a misinterpretation of what setOpaque() is meant to do - from the Nimbus bug report:


It's unfortunate that the Nimbus components also appear not to honor setBackground(null) which would otherwise be the recommended way to stop the background painting. Setting a fully transparent background seems unintuitive to me.

在我看来,setOpaque()/ isOpaque()是一个错误的公共API选择,应该只是:

In my opinion, setOpaque()/isOpaque() is a faulty public API choice which should have been only:

public boolean isFullyOpaque();

我这样说,因为isOpaque()== true是与Swing的合约,组件子类将负责绘制它的整个背景 - 这意味着父母可以跳过绘制该区域(如果它需要)(这是一个重要的性能增强)。外部的东西不能直接改变这个合同(合法地),其履行可以被编码到组件中。

I say this, because isOpaque()==true is a contract with Swing that the component subclass will take responsibility for painting it's entire background - which means the parent can skip painting that region if it wants (which is an important performance enhancement). Something external cannot directly change this contract (legitimately), whose fulfillment may be coded into the component.


So the opacity of the component should not have been settable using setOpaque(). Instead something like setBackground(null) should cause many components to "not have a background" and therefore become not fully opaque. By way of example, in an ideal world most components should have an isOpaque() that looks like this:

public boolean isOpaque() { return (background!=null); }


上周我使用JTextPane遇到了同样的问题。当使用除nimbus之外的任何外观时,setOpaque()方法按预期工作。显然,nimbus的外观和感觉改变了我们对许多组件的setOpaque()所期望的行为。根据您的看法,它可以被视为一个错误。查看关于这个sun bugid的评论:

I ran into this same issue last week using JTextPane. The setOpaque() method works as expected when using any look and feel other than nimbus. Apparently, the nimbus look and feel changes the behaviour we have come to expect with setOpaque() for many Components. Depending on how you look at it, it can be considered a bug. Check the comments on this sun bugid:


The workaround that worked for me was:

myPane.setOpaque(false); // added by OP
myPane.setBackground(new Color(0,0,0,0));

OP注意:我还必须确保setOpaque (假)对于JTextField,以便绘制父背景 - 只是想为其他人提及这一点,以防他们尝试使用setOpaque(true),就像我一样。

Note from OP: I also had to ensure setOpaque(false) for JTextField so that the parent background was painted - just wanted to mention this for others who follow in case they had experimented with setOpaque(true), as I had.

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05-28 03:58