



Given the answer on that question, let's say I have the following ambient declaration file:

declare namespace Twilio {
    interface IDevice {
        ready(handler: Function): void;

    let Device: IDevice;


This is working nicely on my application .ts files, Twilio.Device.ready is fully recognized. But I have my unit tests running with Jest and AFAIK, they run on a NodeJS environment.


As an over simplified mock on my tests I have this (which are .ts files too):

global.Twilio = {
     Device: {
         ready: () => {},
         offline: () => {},
         error: () => {},


But this Twilio instance is not recognized. I can fix that by adding something like below to a .d.ts file:

declare global {
    namespace NodeJS {
        interface Global {
            Twilio: any;

export = {}; // This is needed otherwise `declare global` won't work

但是,我不能将这段代码与我最初提到的declare namespace Twilio放在同一文件中.它们必须位于单独的文件中,否则我的测试中的global.Twilio将被识别,但我的代码中的Twilio.Device将不被识别.

However, I can't have this piece of code on the same file as the declare namespace Twilio I first mentioned. They need to be on separate files, otherwise global.Twilio on my tests will be recognized but Twilio.Device on my code won't.


So my question is, how can I get both instances of Twilio to be recognized in the app code and in the tests code?

还有一个额外的问题,如果我能以某种方式使用Twilio命名空间声明作为NodeJS Twilio全局类型而不是any的类型,那就太好了.

And as a bonus question, it would be nice if I could use the Twilio namespace declaration, somehow, as the type of the NodeJS Twilio global instead of any.

与Richard Seviora进行了愉快的交谈,讨论了我所有的问题后,我得到了以下项目的twilio.d.ts文件:

After a nice chat with Richard Seviora, discussing all my issues, I ended up with the following twilio.d.ts file for my project:

 * Namespace declaration for the Twilio.js library global variable.
declare namespace Twilio {

    type DeviceCallback = (device : IDevice) => void;
    type ConnectionCallback = (connection : IConnection) => void;
    type ErrorCallback = (error : IError) => void;

    interface IConnection {
        parameters: IConnectionParameters;

    interface IConnectionParameters {
        From?: string;
        To?: string;

    interface IDevice {
        cancel(handler: ConnectionCallback): void;
        connect(params: IConnectionParameters): IConnection;
        disconnect(handler: ConnectionCallback): void;
        error(handler: ErrorCallback): void;
        incoming(handler: ConnectionCallback): void;
        offline(handler: DeviceCallback): void;
        ready(handler: DeviceCallback): void;
        setup(token: string, params: ISetupParameters): void;

    interface IError {
        message?: string;
        code?: number;
        connection?: IConnection;

    interface ISetupParameters {
        closeProtection: boolean;

    let Device: IDevice;


 * Augment the Node.js namespace with a global declaration for the Twilio.js library.
declare namespace NodeJS {

    interface Global {
        Twilio: {
            // Partial type intended for test execution only!
            Device: Partial<Twilio.IDevice>;



Hopefully others find this question and Richard's answer below insightful (since the declarations documentation is kinda lacking).


Thanks again Richard for all your assistance.



This is definitely an interesting question. The problem is that the ambient file asserts that Twilio.Device exists, and so anything like a global declaration needs to take that into account.


It turned out being rather simple to solve. There was no need to extend the declaration file or create another one. Given the declaration file you provided, all you need to do include the following in your test setup:

namespace Twilio {
    Device = {
        setup: function () { },
        ready: function () { },
        offline: function () { },
        incoming: function () { },
        connect: function (params): Twilio.Connection { return null },
        error: function () { }

因为我们声明了let Twilio.Device : IDevice,所以我们也允许消费者在以后分配Twilio.Device.如果我们声明const Twilio.Device : IDevice,这将是不可能的.

Because we declared let Twilio.Device : IDevice, we also permitted consumers to assign Twilio.Device at later date. This would not be possible if we declared const Twilio.Device : IDevice.


Twilio.Device = { ... }

因为这样做需要存在Twilio名称空间,这就是我们说declare namespace Twilio时所断言的情况.该Typescript可以成功编译,但是已编译的JS将环境Twilio变量的存在视为已授予,因此失败了.

Because doing so required the Twilio namespace to exist, which is something that we had asserted was the case when we said declare namespace Twilio. This Typescript would compile successfully, but the compiled JS took the existence of the ambient Twilio variable as granted and therefore failed.


TypeScript also doesn't allow you to assign values to an existing namespace so we couldn't do:

const Twilio = {}; // Or let for that matter.
Twilio.Device = {...}


However, since TypeScript namespace declarations merge in the compiled JS, wrapping the assignment in the Twilio namespace would instantiate Twilio (if it doesn't already exist) and then assign Device, while all respecting the type rules stated in the ambient file.

namespace Twilio {
    Device = {
        // All properties need to be stubbed.
        setup: function () { },
        ready: function () { },
        offline: function () { },
        incoming: function () { },
        connect: function (params): Twilio.Connection { return null },
        error: function () { }

beforeEach(() => {
    // Properties/mocks will need to be reset as the namespace declaration only runs once.
    Twilio.Device.setup = () => {return null;};

test('adds stuff', () => {
    expect(Twilio.Device.setup(null, null)).toBeNull()

所有这些都假定您的测试文件可以访问声明文件.如果不是,则需要通过tsconfig.json包含它,或者通过/// <references path="wherever"/>指令引用它.

This all assumes that your test files have access to the declaration file. If not you'll need to include it through tsconfig.json, or reference it via /// <references path="wherever"/> directive.


Corrected beforeEach in the example above to return null. Otherwise test would fail.


I thought I should add why extending the NodeJS.Global interface isn't necessary.


When we make an ambient declaration, it is assumed to exist as part of the global context (and any child closures). Therefore, we don't need to extend Global with Twilio because Twilio is assumed to exist in the immediate context as well.


HOWEVER, this particular declaration method means that global.Twilio does not exist. I can declare:

namespace NodeJS {
    interface Global {
        Twilio : {
            Device : Twilio.IDevice;


And this will provide type inference for the Device property of the NodeJS.Global.Twilio object, but there isn't a way to "share" namespaces in the same way we can types.


After conversation, we came to the conclusion that extending NodeJS.Global is necessary because Jest does not share context between tests and the classes they're being executed in.


To allow us to modify the NodeJS.Global interface, we append the following to the definition file:

declare namespace NodeJS {
    interface Global {
        Twilio: { Device: Partial<Twilio.IDevice> }


beforeEach(() => {
    global.Twilio =
            Device: {
                setup: function () { return null },
                ready: function () { },
                connect: function (params): Twilio.Connection { return null },
                error: function () { }


While this means that the NodeJS.Global.Twilio will not be identical to the Twilio namespace, it does permit to operate identically for the purpose of constructing tests.


05-28 03:50