


guys! I am applying to you once again. I am ok with scraping simple websites with tags but recently I've encountered a quite complex website which has JavaScript. As a result I would like to obtain all the estimates at the bottom of the page in a format of table (csv). Like 'User', 'Revenue estimate', 'EPS estimate'.


I hoped to figure it by myself but kinda failed.


from urllib import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = urlopen("https://www.estimize.com/jpm/fq3-2016?sort=rank&direction=asc&estimates_per_page=142&show_confirm=false")
soup = BeautifulSoup(html.read(), "html.parser")

输出的格式很奇怪,我不知道如何以适当的格式提取数据. 我将不胜感激!

The output has a strange format and I don't know how to extract the data in an adequate form. I'll appreciate any help!



Looks like the data you're trying to extract is in a data model, which means it's in JSON. If you do a small amount of parsing with the following:

import json
import re

data_string = soup.findAll('script')[11].string.encode('utf8')
data_string = data_string.split("DataModel.parse(")[1]
data_string = data_string.split(");")[0]

// parse out erroneous html
while re.search('\<[^\>]*\>', datastring):
    data_string = ''.join(datastring.split(re.search('\<[^\>]*\>', datastring).group(0)))

// parse out other function parameters, leaving you with the json
data_you_want = json.loads(data_string.split(re.search('\}[^",\}\]]+,', data_string).group(0))[0]+'}')

>>> {'shares': {'shares_hash': {'twitter': None, 'stocktwits': None, 'linkedin': None}}, 'lastRevised': None, 'id': None, 'revenue_points': None, 'sector': 'financials', 'persisted': False, 'points': None, 'instrumentSlug': 'jpm', 'wallstreetRevenue': 23972, 'revenue': 23972, 'createdAt': None, 'username': None, 'isBlind': False, 'releaseSlug': 'fq3-2016', 'statement': '', 'errorRanges': {'revenue': {'low': 21247.3532016398, 'high': 26820.423240734}, 'eps': {'low': 1.02460526459765, 'high': 1.81359679579922}}, 'eps_points': None, 'rank': None, 'instrumentId': 981, 'eps': 1.4, 'season': '2016-fall', 'releaseId': 52773}

DataModel.parse是一个javascript方法,这意味着它以括号和冒号结尾.该函数的参数是所需的JSON对象.通过将其加载到 json.loads 中,您可以像访问它一样字典.

The DataModel.parse is a javascript method which means it ends with a parenthesis and a colon. the parameter for the function is the JSON object you want. By loading it into json.loads you're able to access it much like a dictionary.


From there you remap the data into the form you want it to be in for the csv.


05-28 02:59