Again I come to you guys for your expertise and advice on an issue that I am having. I was wondering if any of you would know how to detect if a web page has been modified using VB.NET. I need to be able to set up a task which periodically (like once a week) scans the user inputted web pages and if the web page content has changed, I need to fire off an email to an individual that it has changed (not the exact location on the page itself). I'll be storing the HTTP status and of course the page data itself as well as the date of when it was last modified. Of course this needs to be very fault tolerant since it could be another week before the check runs again. Any help would be great. Thank you.
的 修改的
New twist on this question sorry. I had more time to think about what we wanted. So... Detecting ANY change on a web page would be kind of silly since time dependent elements of the page would change every so often. Instead, what I would like to do is be able to detect the documents in the page. For instance if there are excel, word docs, or pdfs that get changed on that page. So, I'd run the hash on these documents then on some sort of schedule do a check to see if new documents have been added or if the old documents have been modified. Any suggestions on how to detect the documents embedded on the page and running the hash? Thanks again!
As I mentioned in a comment, this sort of job is what checksums (also known as hash functions) were designed for.
You code for will look something like this:
- for each webpage of interest
- pull webbpage
- calculate checksum of contents
- is current checksum different to last checksum?
- if yes, send email
- store new checksum and other appropriate data
在.NET框架有许多可用的校验和。两种最流行的是和 SHA1