刚刚加入 SO 所以我想知道你是否可以帮助我解决这个问题.我们曾经爬过一个网站,获取美国/世界运动量健身馆的所有联系信息,因为这些信息在那里非常暴露.但是,现在他们已将其网站更改为 map.crossfit.com,因此信息被嵌入到谷歌样式的地图中,因此您实际上只能通过缩放来获取每个健身房的信息(名称、地址、电话号码等)一个一个地选择它们,这需要我花很长时间才能获得所有美国的(大约 6,000 个).
Just joined SO so I was wondering if you can help me with this issue.We used to scrape a website and get all the contact information for crossfit gyms in the US/world as the information was pretty exposed out there. Now, however, they have changed their website to map.crossfit.com so the information is embedded within a google style map, so you can only actually get the information for each gym (name, address, phone #, etc.) by zooming in and choosing them one by one, which would take me forever just to get all the US ones (approximately 6,000).
I'm not an expert in programming so I'm assuming that if the information is still there, there should be a way to scrape it. Can you guys give tell me if that is possible and possibly give me some hints on that?
Really appreciate your help!Rick
Hello you can use the next command=
curl 'https://map.crossfit.com/getAffiliateInfo?aid=9347'
yo will get a json with all the information about the gym...
And change the value adding +1 to the value
--The info can be parsed from json to csv, or excel, or
这篇关于网页抓取 - 谷歌地图网站 - 是否可以抓取?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!