供您参考,下面是我将数据加载到XmlDoc的类,并且它们具有根元素they will exit with a Error ExceptionSystem.Xml.XmlException - Message = "Falta el elemento raíz." (="Root Element Failed!");Can me please say how I do bad :((For your information the Class from which I Load the Data to the XmlDoc is the Following, and they have a Root Element[XmlRoot("Config")]public class clsConfigWEBLog : clsConfigGeneric{ #region Variables private System.DateTime m_dtLastUpdate = new DateTime(); private clsFtp m_cFtp = new clsFtp(); private clsTimers m_cTimers = new clsTimers(); private clsSaveFile m_cSaveFile = new clsSaveFile(); #endregion #region Probiedades [XmlAttributeAttribute(DataType = "date")] public System.DateTime LastUpdate { get { return m_dtLastUpdate; } set { try { m_dtLastUpdate = value; } catch (Exception eLastUpdate) { Console.WriteLine("Error al cargar el Valor LastUpdate: " + eLastUpdate.Message); } } } [XmlElement(typeof(clsFtp))] public clsFtp Ftp { get { return m_cFtp; } set { m_cFtp = value; } } [XmlElement(typeof(clsTimers))] public clsTimers Timers { get { return m_cTimers; } set { m_cTimers = value; } } [XmlElement(typeof(clsSaveFile))] public clsSaveFile SaveFile { get { return m_cSaveFile; } set { m_cSaveFile = value; } } #endregion}推荐答案调用XmlSerializer.Serialize时,流指针将移动到流的末尾,因此XmlDocument.Load 将失败,因为它不会得到任何数据.尝试在流上调用Seek 以将流指针移到流的开头.When you call XmlSerializer.Serialize, the stream pointer is moved to the end of the stream, so XmlDocument.Load will fail since it will not get any data. Try calling Seek on the stream to move the stream pointer to the beginning of the stream.我强烈建议切换到DataContract: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system. runtime.serialization.datacontractserializer.aspx [ ^ ].它具有最小的干扰性(您只需要向类和成员添加一些属性),可以持久存储任意对象图(不仅是一个对象,甚至不一定是树,而是任意图),它不需要实现任何接口,并且可以不必强制使用任何特殊的基类-完全的自由性和鲁棒性.I strongly recommend switching to DataContract:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.serialization.datacontractserializer.aspx[^].It is least obtrusive (you only need to put some attributes to your classes and members), it can persist arbitrary object graph (not just one object, not even necessarily a tree but arbitrary graph), it does not require implementing any interfaces and does not force using any special base classes -- complete freedom and robustness. 这篇关于通过System.Xml.Serialization加载XML数据的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
05-28 02:24