The usual form of function pointer definitions is:
int function(int, int);
int (*ptr)(int, int);
but I saw a form today which I didn't understand. Can anyone explain this please?
int (*close) __P((struct __db *));
宏通常用于支持从K& RC时代起没有原型(从C89引入C的时代)开始的C实现. ).逻辑基本上是
The __P()
macro is usually used to support C implementations from the days of K&R C, when there were no prototypes (which were introduced to C with C89). Basically the logic is
# define __P(argument_list) argument_list
# define __P(argument_list) ()
应用于示例时,您能看到它的工作原理吗?请注意,要使此方法起作用并且不会引起语法错误,参数列表必须包含 函数调用 的括号,而不仅仅是 类似函数的宏 .因此,使用宏时会在双括号内.这可能就是它看起来不寻常的原因.
Can you see how this works when applied to your example? Note that for this to work and not cause a syntax error, the argument list must include the parentheses of the function call, not just the parentheses of the function-like macro. Hence the double parentheses when the macro is used. That's probably the reason why it looks unusual.