为了区分使用SFINAE的 T
类型的参数 t
QVariant :: fromValue(t);
QVariant :: value< T>();
编译。如果一个编译,另一个也是,除非你hack元类型系统。当且仅当 T
template< class T> // enable if T not registered in the Qt meta type system
void print(const T& t){
qDebug()< t;
template< class T> // enable if T registered in the Qt meta type system
void print(const T& t){
qDebug()< QVariant :: fromValue< T>();
我知道几种(但类似)的可能性,引入一些辅助结构,复杂的enable_if等。现在我知道有 QTypeInfo
有一个非常简单如果QVariant支持类型 T
,则检查SFINAE专用化中的方式(比使用checker+ enable_if更简单)
请注意,解决方案仍然应该是不同Qt版本之间的可移植(Qt4和Qt5可能使用不同的 QTypeInfo
定义)。但是,我使用C ++ 11,所以我可以访问 std :: enable_if
非便携式方式是使用 enable_if
()中的 QMetaTypeId2< T> :: Defined
template< class T>
typename std :: enable_if<!QMetaTypeId2< T> :: Defined> :: type
print(const T& t){
qDebug()< t;
template< class T>
typename std :: enable_if< QMetaTypeId2< T> :: Defined> :: type
print(const T& t){
qDebug()< QVariant :: fromValue< T>();
但是,由于 QMetaTypeId2
您应该声明一个包装器,这将有助于您。我最好的想法是有几个定义,基于 of Qt:
template< typename T>
struct is_registered
value =
#if QT_VERSION> = 0x050000 // Qt 5.0.0
QMetaTypeId2< T> :: Defined
#elif QT_VERSION> = 0x040000 // Qt 4.0.0
QMetaTypeId2< T> ::定义
这不是审美,但这是功能性的,在你的代码中,你可以使用 is_registered< T> :: value
,而不必担心Qt的版本。此外,我现在没有Qt5,所以我不能告诉你是否 QMetaTypeId2< T> :: Defined
不能使用 qMetaTypeId< T>()
以检查类型是否已注册。实际上,表达式 qMetaTypeId< T>()
始终有效,无论类型。如果没有注册,则函数的 body 将不编译(更确切地说:在Qt 4和5中(暂时), qMetaTypeId
只调用另一个不编译的函数,如果类型没有注册,那么你不能使用SFINAE来测试它。因此,代码leemes在他的(现在被删除的) =http://ideone.com/jcv6a2 =nofollow>无法按预期工作。
struct _test_is_declared_metatype
template< class T>
static auto test(T * t) > decltype(qMetaTypeId< T>(),std :: true_type());
static std :: false_type test(...);
b $ b template< class T>
struct is_declared_metatype:decltype(_test_is_declared_metatype :: test< T>(0))
为什么这不会工作?意图是因为调用 qMetaTypeId< T>()
在非注册类型上导致编译错误,当类型未注册时,SFINAE将排除第一个函数。这里的问题是 qMetaTypeId< T>()
总是有效的表达式,因此 qMetaTypeId< T>(),std :: true_type
也是,并且 decltype(qMetaTypeId< T>(),std :: true_type())
$ c> std :: true_type )。
这是因为 qMetaTypeId< T>()
的编译错误函数的 body ,而不是它的原型(通过代码只有在 decltype
因此,因为 test()
// -------------- --------------------------------------------
// qmetatype.h简化-------------------------------
// --------- -------------------------------------------------
template< typename T>
struct metatype
enum {defined = 0};
template< typename T>
struct metatype2
enum {defined = metatype< T> :: defined};
static inline int id(){return metatype< T> :: id(); }
template< typename T>
inline int metatypeId(
T * / * dummy * / = 0
return metatype2< T>
#define register_meta_type(_type_)\
template<> \
struct metatype< _type_> \
enum {defined = 1}; \
static int id()\
/ *在Qt中运行时注册* / \
return __COUNTER__; \
}; \
// -------------------------------- --------------------------
// ------------------ ----------------------------------------
// ---- -------------------------------------------------- ----
class TestA {};
class TestB {};
class TestC {};
class TestD {};
#include< type_traits>
struct _test_is_declared_metatype
/ *
metatypeId< T>()始终是一个有效的表达式。所以这个重载是
* /
template< class T>
静态自动测试(T * t) - > decltype(metatypeId< T>(),std :: true_type());
static std :: false_type test(...);
template< class T>
struct is_declared_metatype:decltype(_test_is_declared_metatype :: test< T>(0))
#include< iostream>
#define PRINT_DEF(_type_)std :: cout<< #_type_<< registered?<< is_declared_metatype< _type_> :: value<< \\\
int main()
std :: cout< std :: boolalpha;
您可能需要。此外,您还可以。 p>
To make a case distinction for a parameter t
of type T
using SFINAE, I want to know if the statement
and / or
compiles. If the one compiles, the other one does too, unless you hack the meta type system. They compile if and only if T
has been declared using Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(T)
Very simple usage example, where one wants to print the type of a value by simply qDebugging a variant-wrapped equivalent, if and only if supported by the meta type system (I don't need this, but this shows the problem in a minimal example):
template<class T> // enable if T NOT registered in the Qt meta type system
void print(const T &t) {
qDebug() << t;
template<class T> // enable if T registered in the Qt meta type system
void print(const T &t) {
qDebug() << QVariant::fromValue<T>();
I know several (yet similar) possibilities to do so, but all of them introduce some helper structs, complicated enable_if etc. Now I know that there is QTypeInfo
which, I guess, already provides something like an "is declared in the Qt meta type system" type trait. However, this class is not documented and thus it's not suggested to be used in long term and productive code, as it might change between Qt versions.
Is there a very simple way (simpler than with a "checker" + enable_if) to check in a SFINAE specialization if a type T
is supported by QVariant?
Please note that the solution still should be portable between different Qt versions (Qt4 and Qt5 might use a different QTypeInfo
definition). However, I use C++11, so I have access to std::enable_if
for example.
The "non-portable" way is to use the internal definition of QMetaTypeId2<T>::Defined
in an enable_if
(it's an enum value defined as either 0 or 1). Thus, a working solution would be:
template<class T>
typename std::enable_if<!QMetaTypeId2<T>::Defined>::type
print(const T &t) {
qDebug() << t;
template<class T>
typename std::enable_if<QMetaTypeId2<T>::Defined>::type
print(const T &t) {
qDebug() << QVariant::fromValue<T>();
However, since QMetaTypeId2
is not documented and only internal stuff, it should not appear in client code.
You should declare a wrapper that will help you. The best I can think is to have several definitions, based on the version of Qt:
template<typename T>
struct is_registered
value =
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 // Qt 5.0.0
#elif QT_VERSION >= 0x040000 // Qt 4.0.0
That's not aesthetic, but that is functionnal, and in your code you can use is_registered<T>::value
without having to worry about the version of Qt. Also, I don't have Qt5 for the moment, so I cannot tell you whether QMetaTypeId2<T>::Defined
is correct for it (although I think it is).
It is impossible to use qMetaTypeId<T>()
to check if a type was registered. In fact, the expression qMetaTypeId<T>()
is always valid, no matter the type. If it is not registered, the body of the function will not compile (to be more precise: in Qt 4 and 5 (for the moment), qMetaTypeId<T>()
only calls another function that does not compile if the type is not registered. Thus, you cannot use SFINAE to test it. As a result, the code leemes gave in his (now deleted) answer will not work as expected.
The code was:
struct _test_is_declared_metatype
template<class T>
static auto test(T* t) -> decltype(qMetaTypeId<T>(), std::true_type());
static std::false_type test(...);
template<class T>
struct is_declared_metatype : decltype(_test_is_declared_metatype::test<T>(0))
Why this won't work ? The intention was that because calling qMetaTypeId<T>()
on a non-registered type results in a compile error, "SFINAE would exclude the first function when the type is not registered". The problem here is that qMetaTypeId<T>()
is always a valid expression, so qMetaTypeId<T>(), std::true_type()
is too, and decltype(qMetaTypeId<T>(), std::true_type())
is perfectly defined (with the value std::true_type
This because the compilation error of qMetaTypeId<T>()
stems in the body of the function, not in its prototype (by the way the code will compile only if the function in the decltype
is declared and correctly called, ie no template arguments for a non-template function for example).
Thus, because this overload of test()
is more specific than the variadic one, it will always be choosed, hence it will always 'return' that the type is registered; you can see it in the following test code:
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// qmetatype.h simplification -------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
template<typename T>
struct metatype
enum { defined = 0 };
template<typename T>
struct metatype2
enum { defined = metatype<T>::defined };
static inline int id() { return metatype<T>::id(); }
template <typename T>
inline int metatypeId(
T * /* dummy */ = 0
return metatype2<T>::id();
#define register_meta_type( _type_ ) \
template<> \
struct metatype< _type_ > \
{ \
enum { defined = 1 }; \
static int id() \
{ \
/* Run-time registration in Qt */ \
return __COUNTER__; \
}; \
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
class TestA {};
class TestB {};
class TestC {};
class TestD {};
#include <type_traits>
struct _test_is_declared_metatype
metatypeId<T>() is always a valid expression. So this overload is
always taken
template<class T>
static auto test(T* t) -> decltype(metatypeId<T>(), std::true_type());
static std::false_type test(...);
template<class T>
struct is_declared_metatype : decltype(_test_is_declared_metatype::test<T>(0))
#include <iostream>
#define PRINT_DEF( _type_ ) std::cout << #_type_ << " registered ? " << is_declared_metatype< _type_ >::value << "\n";
int main()
std::cout << std::boolalpha;
You might want to read more about SFINAE. Also, you can read qmetatype.h