Is it necessary to declare array dimensions before any other code? For example, I have written the following simplified example code:
PROGRAM mytest IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i, j, k, mysum ! Let array c be a k-by-k**2 array ! Determine k within the program by some means...for example, mysum=0 DO i=1, 3 mysum=mysum+1 END DO k=mysum REAL, DIMENSION(k, k**2) :: c WRITE(*,*) "k=", k WRITE(*,*) "k**2=", k**2 WRITE(*,*) DO i=1,size(c,1) WRITE(*,"(100(3X,F3.1))") (c(i,j), j=1,size(c,2)) END DO END PROGRAM mytest
我试图创建的一点是我想创建一个数组 c 即 k -by - k ** 2 的大小, k 仅由代码内的其他计算确定; k 在一开始就不知道。
The point that I am trying to make is that I would like to create an array c that is k-by-k**2 in size, and k is only determined by other computations within the code; k is not known at the very beginning.
But, the above code gives me the following error message at compile time:
mytest.f90:13.31: REAL, DIMENSION(k, k**2) :: c 1 Error: Unexpected data declaration statement at (1)
我的代码中的第13行是我最终声明 c : REAL,DIMENSION(k,k ** 2):: c 。
where line 13 in my code is the line where I finally declare c: REAL, DIMENSION(k, k**2) :: c.
另一方面,如果我反而声明 k 并在前面指定了它的尺寸,那么
On the other hand, if I instead declare k and specify its dimensions upfront,
PROGRAM mytest IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i, j, k, mysum REAL, DIMENSION(3,9) :: c ! Let array c be a k-by-k**2 array ! Determine k within the program by some means...for example, mysum=0 DO i=1, 3 mysum=mysum+1 END DO k=mysum WRITE(*,*) "k=", k WRITE(*,*) "k**2=", k**2 WRITE(*,*) DO i=1,size(c,1) WRITE(*,"(100(3X,F3.1))") (c(i,j), j=1,size(c,2)) END DO END PROGRAM mytest
I get the correct output:
k= 3 k**2= 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
但是,由于我事先不知道 k ,所以我无法在我的实际代码中完全实现。有没有一种方法可以在开始时声明数组 c ,而无需指定其尺寸,然后在 k 是已知的吗?
But, since I don't know k beforehand, I can't do exactly this in my actual code. Is there some way to "declare" the array c initially, without specifying its dimensions, and then later specify the dimensions once the value of k is known?
You want to use allocatable arrays:
PROGRAM mytest IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i, j, k, mysum REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), allocatable :: c !<- c is allocatable, rank 2 ! Let array c be a k-by-k**2 array ! Determine k within the program by some means...for example, mysum=0 DO i=1, 3 mysum=mysum+1 END DO k=mysum WRITE(*,*) "k=", k WRITE(*,*) "k**2=", k**2 WRITE(*,*) allocate(c(k,k**2)) ! <-- allocate array c with supplied shape DO i=1,size(c,1) WRITE(*,"(100(3X,F3.1))") (c(i,j), j=1,size(c,2)) END DO deallocate(c) ! <-- deallocate when done END PROGRAM mytest
这篇关于在Fortran 90中,数组维必须事先声明吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!