


  module class_type

  implicit none
  class(*), pointer :: fnzo => null()

  type, abstract :: gen

     real :: ss
     integer :: sdsd
     class(gen), pointer    :: next =>null()
  end type

  type, extends(gen) :: final1

     real :: ss1

  end type final1

  type, extends(gen) :: final2

  real :: x1(10)

  end type

  end module class_type

  program test_class

  use class_type

  implicit none

  class(gen), pointer :: test
  type(final1) :: test1
  allocate(test, source = test1)

  print*, test% ss1

  end program

我正在尝试制定一个链接列表,其中每个下一个元素都继承 final1 final2 .目前,仅测试简单的案例,我不明白为什么我无法访问 test%ss1 .任何人都可以帮助

I am trying to work out a a linked - list where each next element either inherits final1 or final2. Currently, just testing simple cases and I don't understand why I cannot access test%ss1. Anyone to help


至于为什么我们不能访问 test%ss1 ",下面的代码对于考虑原因可能很有用.在这段代码中,我得到了用户输入( inp ),并确定 ptr 指向类型为 test1 还是 test2 .如果 ptr 指向 test2 变量,则访问 ptr%ss1 显然是没有意义的,因此编译器需要防止此类错误访问.我认为这就是为什么除非提供 select type (用于内存中的实际数据)的原因,否则编译器仅允许访问 gen (=声明的类型)的组件.

As for "why we cannot access test% ss1", the following code might be useful for considering the reason. In this code, I get a user input (inp) and determine whether ptr points to variables of type test1 or test2. If ptr points to a variable of test2, accessing ptr% ss1 is clearly meaningless, so the compiler needs to guard against such an incorrect access. I think that is why the compiler allows only the access of components of gen (= declared type) unless select type (for actual data in memory) is provided.

program test_class
  use class_type
  implicit none
  class(gen), pointer  :: ptr    !! parent type
  type(final1), target :: test1  !! child type
  type(final2), target :: test2  !! child type
  integer :: inp

  print *, "input some integer"
  read *, inp

  if ( inp == 1 ) ptr => test1
  if ( inp == 2 ) ptr => test2

  print*, "ptr% ss = ", ptr% ss   !! OK

  ! print*, "ptr% ss1 = ", ptr% ss1  !! error (Line1)

  select type ( ptr )
    type is ( final1 ); print*, "ss1 = ", ptr% ss1  !! OK
    type is ( final2 ); print*, "x1  = ", ptr% x1   !! OK

end program


If the Line1 is uncommented, it gives an error (with gfortran-8)

   print*, "ptr% ss1 = ", ptr% ss1  !! error
Error: 'ss1' at (1) is not a member of the 'gen' structure; did you mean 'ss'?

我猜情况与其他(静态类型的)语言相似.例如,当我们访问 ptr-> b 时,C ++中的以下代码给出了错误.

I guess the situation is similar to other (statically typed) languages. For example, the following code in C++ gives an error when we access ptr->b.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct A {
    int a = 1;
struct B : A {
    int b = 100;

int main() {
    A *ptr;
    ptr = new B;
    cout << ptr->a << endl;     // 1
    // cout << ptr->b << endl;  // error: 'struct A' has no member named 'b'
    delete ptr;


05-28 00:18