



不要截断 $ html ,而是适合的真实文本。要获取文本,可以使用php的xml函数(,一个href =http://php.net/manual/book.simplexml.php =nofollow> SimpleXml )或正则表达式。虽然我会建议第一个。


  $ html ='< div style =bla:bla;> somet30ext< / div> < div id =bla> MORE AND MORE TEXT< / div>'; 

$ dom = new DomDocument;
$ dom-> loadHtml($ html);

$ xpath = new DomXpath($ dom);

//使用id = bla
$ bla = $ xpath->查询('// div [@ id =bla]') - >项(0);
if($ bla instanceof DomNode){

// truncate here
if(strlen($ bla-> nodeValue)> 10){
$ bla - > nodeValue = substr($ bla-> nodeValue,0,10)。 ...;

//收集结果,这是由于dom-> loadhtml包装加载的字符串
//如果不存在HTML / body
$ result ='';
foreach($ xpath-> query('body / *')as $ childNode){
$。= $ dom-> saveHtml($ childNode);

echo $ result;

I have the following function:

function truncate($string, $limit, $break=".", $pad="...") {
  if(strlen($string) <= $limit) return $string;
    if(false !== ($breakpoint = strpos($string, $break, $limit))) {
      if($breakpoint < strlen($string) - 1) {
        $string = substr($string, 0, $breakpoint) . $pad;

    return $string;

If i have the following code:

$html = '<div style="bla: bla;">somet30ext</div> <div id="bla">MORE AND MORE TEXT</div>';
print truncate($html, 30);

It will cut off at somet..... In other words, we end with:

<div style="bla: bla;">somet

I.e. an unclosed div tag. How do I go about solving this?


I don't want to truncate only when I get to the . I want something that can automatically add divs. In this case, the output should be:

     <div style="bla: bla;">somet</div>

I.e. It actually added the because it knew it was unclosed? Am I correct in assuming I must use something like html purifier for this?


Don't truncate the $html but rather the real text where it's appropriate. To get hold of the text, you could use php's xml functions (DOM, SimpleXml) or regular expression. Though I'd advice the first.

Example using Dom:

$html = '<div style="bla: bla;">somet30ext</div> <div id="bla">MORE AND MORE TEXT</div>';

$dom = new DomDocument;

$xpath = new DomXpath($dom);

// example of getting a div with id=bla
$bla = $xpath->query('//div[@id="bla"]')->item(0);
if ($bla instanceof DomNode) {

  // truncate here
  if (strlen($bla->nodeValue) > 10) {
    $bla->nodeValue = substr($bla->nodeValue, 0, 10) . '...';

// collect result, this is needed due to dom->loadhtml wrapping the loaded string
// with html/body if not present
$result = '';
foreach ($xpath->query('//body/*') as $childNode) {
  $result .= $dom->saveHtml($childNode);

echo $result;


05-27 23:28